UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION LAWRENCE September 11, 1959. To the Kansas Varsity Basketball Men Who Have Passed Their Academic Work Satisfactorily and Are Eligible to Play for Kansas Under the Big Six Con- ference Requirements for the 1939-'40 Basketball Season:* Rebert Es Allen James Arnold Bill Arthur Bob Bond Miller Cameron Don Ebling Howard Engleman Jack Floyd Richard Harp Herbert Hartman Van Hartman Vine Hogben Te Pe Hunter Maurice Jackson Bob Johnson Clinton Kanaga John Kline John Krum ‘Wn. McKinley Kenneth Messner Ralph Miller Robert Minor Donn Mosser Robert O'Neil Dewitt Petter Bruce Reid Jack Sands Louis Thompson Jack Trice Bruce Voran Robert Woodward The following are taking Correspondence Study courses to make up their eligibility: Robert Cooper Chain Healy Ralph Schaake I am sending you the basketball schedule for Karisas as arriiiged by the Big Six Conference when the coaches met at Ames, Iowa, on the third Friday and Saturday in Maye The other games Listed are Oklahoma Aa atid My, both at home and aw, Creighton University at Omaha, Southern Methodist University ~- two games at Lawrence, the dedication of the Central Missouri State Teachers College new field house, and a possibility of dedi- cating Michigan State College's new ten thousand spectator capacity field house at East La nsing, and also a game with them at Lawrence, and another contingensy of playing in a Kansas Collegiate Tournament at Topelm after Christmas, We may have © clinic game on Decembor 9th here in Lawrence, You will note that the dedication of the field house at Warrensburg is on | December 8th, but the Kansas State High School Coachos Association acetal that we have a clinic game here in Lawrence for rules interpretations and demonstrations by the Kansas varsity and by an opposing tcam for tho benefit of the high school coaches. appreciate, and this may be done. | This is sanecthing that tho high school coaches However, wo are limited to a total of 20 contests, ond either the tournament in Kansas will have to be eliminated or the trip to East Lansing. We are now negotiating for the Bast Lansing tripe It would oame during the opening of the second semester, and the gamo would be played on February 10th, Saturday nighte. Iowa State would be playing Oklahoma at Norman, and both Iowa State and Kansas would be traveling and arrive here Monday in timo - a gpme with Louie Menze's championship, ombitious Cyclones.