en So you can see that Kansas has a great opportunity to play right in the front i of the nation's biggest basketball extravaganzae If you don't ‘like that big word, then I will give you anothers It will be terrific, stupendous, colossol, gigantic and emotionslly devastatingg You will remember that the Univ ersity of Oregon defeated Ohio State last year in Chicago, and at the present time Oregon is the Netional Collegiate champion in basketball. All of these pley-offs are timed so that Kensas will lose little time away from sehool, and yet play in America's national championship. This is the greatest opportunity that has ever come to @ group -thet-hes-ever represented Kansas in basketball. I have been staying on the job here pretty steadily in Lawrence with the exception of the trip I took to Atlanta, Georgia, to coach the North Georgia allstar high school boyse They used a new scheme down in Georgia in a pedagogical waye The Georgia Coaches Association picked ten allestar high school ‘seniors from the north half of Georgia and they selected me to coach that teas Then ten senior high stars were picked from the south half of Georgia, and they selected Roy Mundorff of Georgia Tech to coach that team. The visiting coaches, 186 of them, sat in the bleachers in Tech's new gymasium and watched Mundorff and me put the boys through the paces that we would exeoute in drilling our varsitye We had never seen these boys before, and you can imagine that when you only have five days to do a job like that you have to organize your work pretty carefully. The two tesuas met for a game in Tech's new gymnasium, and strange as it may seen, edgihece iaieek people turned out for the high school basket~ — ball gamee I might add that I was darn lucky to have our North Georgia boys win . the ball gamee We won by about seven points and it was the surprise of my life because we did not draw the rangy boys from our North Georgia groupe They had Augusta and the larger schools in their section and they play better basketball and poorer football in southern Georgia and better football and poorer basketball in northern Georgia, so the ones who seemed to know say.