ate : Well, anyhow, we outfought them and won the game 5528, The same scheme was tried in football, and Bobby Dodd of Temessee coached the South Georgia boys and Jack Meagher of Auburn, Alabama, Polytechnic, coached the North Georgia boyse ‘The South Georgia boys won the football game 13~12, end eight thousand people turned out to see the game under the are lights in Georgia Tech's football field. ‘Tt was a very pleasant experience and it gave mo the vacation ‘that I needed. So you cam see I dan talk basketball quite naturally, having been in it so recently. I am wondering if any of you boys who received a letter last year remember this paragraph: "Truly, the Kansas basketball team can go places if you men will train, and when I say train - I really mean traine We have men on the basketball team who will train, and the fellows who will not, or do not, are in for a lonesome existence this year." I trust that we will not have to elaborate on this statement further because we want only men on the a ek ce ee play and sent ke Gril But I do not want you to take basketball too seriously. Your school work canes first, and always in my puaearenkiak with every boy I have stressed the importance of athe the job well in an academic waye But of course a fellow should take a justi fiable pride in his own physique and in the know= ledge of being physically fit, so it is not amiss to remind you of the necessity of doing the push-up and dip on your fingers and toes each at on end nighte Starb this exercise three times, both morning and night, and then the second week execute it six times each sedi end night. And then the third week build up to nine times twice a day, and the fourth week spring up on your fingers and toes twelve times, touching the chin and barely touching the abdomen to the floor but not a the abdomen. Now push up and touch the right ear, then push up and touch the left ear. Do this on the fingers and not on the palms of the handse 3 Some of you fellows, I imagine, are like the individual who went