#6= actual prectice three times a week, and by the middle of Ootober we will Prectice four times a week. Remember, we are meeting Oklahoma A, and M, o~ December 5 at 4ewrence, and while there is still a moot discussion as to when the Thanksgiving football game will be played between Kanses and Missouri, really it is just the day after school begins after the Thanks- giving holidays that we play Oklahoma A, and M, | For one year, at least, I feel better «when I say that we are not shaiet Gn of the “ig Six. “e have been defending champions too lenes A defensive army never won a war in its life. It is the offensive arny that | | wins. You wise who played on the team lest year and went through the chaste ah Misscutt save uot forgotten that, nor will you ever forget it. But you can satisfy yourselves by coming back and showing those Missouriens et Columbie on January 18, 1940, that Senses mon don't put on exhibitions the like of which were shom at Columbia on hy BAY, — Wasn't that a head- eohe? All right, let's see what we are going to do about it, I imagine most of you will not forget the game at lowa State when we really presented the Cyclones with the ball game. But you know I never was a fellow to cry over spilt milk. I believe in going out and — esting ‘em, and this year is the year to do it. last year I remenber this line in the letter 1 sent you: “Remember this, a sophomore team has never yet won che championship of the Big Six conference." Well, we are not sophanores any more, we are a year older, and I know that we will | have a different morale than was encournter ed during a part of last yeer, I told yo I had a small bunch of fighting Georgia lads down there and those North Georgia boys just out-fought those South Georgia boys and won the pall game. Well, I am expecting that of yo Kansas boys be= cause in every game you play in the Big Six conference, a most every game, you are going to be out-resched, out-weighed, and everything but out-fought.