April 11, 1944. Mr. Ym. B. Henderson, 916 Walnut Street, Kansas City 6, Mo. ‘Dear Mr. Henderson: es Gets toch ide ‘eatias hee kn. Min, ewe te bo. to speak at the Parent Teachers Association, and from there he goes on to Cedar Rapids, Iara. He will return to Lawrence sometine Friday. In the meantime, he asked that I acknowledge your two letters regarding Dick Sopers x ive sen mgt Dink WAX) toe nigithens: youn old Yatra be graduates from high school. If he is not in the 4F olassifisation ee ee eee ee ool ving theKansas Interscholastic Meet here on Saturday, ip Dick could come over to Lewrence that morning I am sure that Dr. Allen will be happy to see him. I would not that he come this week-end because Dr. Allen has other ee se ee the 22nd Dr. Allen will be here and will be happy to talk to con. Ask him ® come to the Physical Education office in the west emi of Robinson Gymnasium. A i ie f Sincerely yours, Seoretary to Dr. Forrest C. Allen.