FROM WM. B. HENDERSON 916 WALNUT STREET TO Doctor forrest C. Allen KANSAS CITY 6 Mo RE: Yours 3/31/44 DATE April 3, 1944 My dear Doctor #llen, The boy I referred to will graduate from High School next June. He will be 18 years old before he graduates. I will have him answer your question about his draft classification. I would not expect you to guarantee work through four years in the University. I am in hearty agreement with your appli- cation of the law of compensation to those who want an education, If they pay for it themselves, they have a better foundation than those whose education comes as a gratuity. If it costs the student nothing, he is under a handicap whether he realizes it or not. A few overcome the handicap. Most students do not. I shall recommend that the young man go to Lawrence for a personal interview. If that can be arranged, 1 will make certain that the time of his arrival will be satisfactory to you. Thank you kindly. Yours sincerely,