March G1, 1944. / Ire Vine Be: Mshdcrpon, 916 Walnut a Kansas City 6, Mo. Dear Mr. tenderson: : Your very nice letter of March 27 has been received. I em happy to know that you are interested in a young man obtaining an education. I note further that you are a trustee of the Univ- orsity of Kansas City, and that your basketball has not been featured enough to make it attractive to him. I am wondering if you would be kind enough to answer some questions. Is the young man a 4FP student, or does he have an oppor- tunity to get into the Navy V-12 wit? Of course, if he got into the Ce oe eee Se Ste Ga lege Wee Re eek De nanan at an education. I an sure that you can understend that it would not be possible to guarantees any youmg man his way through the University on account of his athletios. Mowever, we oan give him a job comnensurate with his ability and his desire to work. There are joba going begging here now for boys at the University. We sould use all the boys who. really want to work, but most of them have more money from their parents or some other sources, and they do not want to work at forty to fifty cents an aa. re ae Se geny ton ee You state that you are unfamiliar with the Ginter and ethics of college and wmiversity basketball. There are coaches who will promise a young man an easy job, but I have never done that - telling the boys that life is not easy, that it is a real struggle, end for one to be successful he must work hard and not expect easy things in his early growth. It happens that I am one of six boys in a femily. All of us had to work hard and no one gave us anything. ~ We have three boys and three girls in our own fomily and we have found in paren. these children that life was quite a struggle, but a glorious one. My youngest son is a senior in the medical school at the University | of Pennsylvania. Of cow'se we are very proud of him, but he has never had it enay. . I only mention those things t> assure you that if the young man would come under my care he would not be wet-nursed, yet I would try to advise and guide him in the same mamer that I would one of my own boys. I would tell him that athletics are not the most important