AUTOMOBILE RIOT & CIVIL COMMOTION WM. B. HENDERSON & COMPANY ®**zsstecehese" THe JX U LT ON | FIRE —TORNADO AGENTS HAIL —= 2 916 WALNUT STREET MARINE SSS= _— PHONE VICTOR 1935 TOURIST BAGGAGE. oe KANSAS CITY 6, MISSOURI TRANSPORTATION Fire Insurance Company : TACLRISKS | NEW YORK March &7, 1944 Doctor Forest C. Allen, c/o Kansas University, Lawrence, Kansas Dear Doctor Allen, A Kansas City boy, in whom I am interested, has a remarkable Basket Ball record, if Kansas City Star reports are dependable. I am not an authority myself; but the boy's record, as reported from time to time on the Sport page, has been very far above the average. Would it be possible to get work enough to enable him to pay his way at Kansas University? I am a trustee of the University of Kansas City; but our basket ball has not yet been featured enough to make it attractive to him. Your leadership has an unusual appeal to him. Upon inquiry, I learned that the Star does not keep a record of High School athletes, But the boy's mother has his complete basket ball "record as reported game by game. I have known his parents for many years. They are fine people - parents and children alike. I am not sufficiently familiar with the technique and ethics of College and Yniversity Basket 5all to be certain I am proceeding according to accepted precedure. “ut you will pardon me, I am sure, if 1 am off the beam. I am inter- ested _in the boy and want to help him in every legitimate way that I can. Yours sincerely, i \TAL STo 2 e C 7 AS etecie. ‘ rotection ONg KS “Pany INSUR™