September 4, 1944. Mr. Vim. Butler, Business Men's Assurance Co., Kansas City, Moe Dear Bill: Fred Ellsworth wrote me a note September Ist saying you had called regarding John Cartwright Miller of 4401 Gillhem Road. I imaddiately put in a call for him but found that he was working at a grocery store. However, I had a fine visit with his mother and she seemed pleased that I called. I asked that John come in the office immediately upon coming to Lawrence so that I might greet him and get better acquainted with hin. We certainly thank you, Bill, for your interest, and rest assured that we will do every possible thing to wel- come a stay pleasant and With all good wishes to you, I am - Very sincerely yours, Pireotor of Physica] Education, FPCA:AH Varsity Basketball Coach.