— SPORTS ROUND-UP Yankees Have Not Given Up on Land- Ing Coast Sensation—Kansas Cagers .Outstanding -NEW YORK, Dec. 12 (@).—The Yankees haven’t given up on Freddie Hutchinson yet—even though the Pirates are Supe? to have the deal cinched for the coast_kid...One of the champs’ bosses tells this depart- ment it isn’t anywhere near settled— and that if the Yanks really want Freddie, no other club can outbid ‘em...You can definitely write off the rumor that has Adam Walsh switching from Bowdoin to coach Holy Cross...Were there any back- fires on officials over that row in the Arkansas-Rice game—or is it all for- given...Wonder if folks generally realize that in the past eight years, old Phog Allen’s Kansas basketball teams have won six Big Six titles, tied for a seventh and finished second the other time..:Who said these! young fellers are such hot stuff? Steven Owen says what really won his Giants the pro championship over the Packers in that thriller yesterday was all the talk that his boys were so “lucky”...“After- we beat the Packers two weeks ago and Wash- ington last week,” says Steve, “every- body hollered we were the luckiest || club ever...So no one gave my kids credit for being as smart as they really are—and they fooled every body, including Green Bay.”...Now that the Giants have Zeke Bonura for first base. what’s going to happen to Brooklyn’s Buddy Hassett...The thrush has shown that he’s definitely ‘big league stuff, so the Dodgers ought to trade him where he’ll have a shot at first basing...Instead of trying.to make an outfielder out of him...The |! kid deserves the chance. They’re certainly keeping things |}! in the family on that Tulane basket- ball outfit ... F’rinstance, Forward Paul Pare is a brother of the Wave’s tennis coach; Guard Joe Anderson is a nephew of Track Coach Fritz Cakes; little Monk Simons, Jr., is a son’ of the boxing coach, and Capt. Gene Harmon is a brother of Tom, the sophomore -halfback...Down at Mississippi college they shifted Capt. Joe Hitt from back to end this year —so all he did was score 80 points... Incidentally, Joe’s also captain of the basketball and track teams, infields for the baseballers and is president of the student body...Quite a boy.