March Sy 1958, | Long, Long Isl ode keen IE will appreciate it if this, ac I would idle to mow for @ specin! reasons | ‘Wath every good wish, I as Sincerely yours, riveiier ve FCAsAH Coaches Thank: you very much for your good letter of March 7+ T om with you 100% in the restoration of the center T think it has taken a lot out of the game. I also with you thet the elimination of the cmrter juap has d nothing wimtscever to do with the elimimtion of tell players. I am for the elevation of the basket te 12 feet, but I would like to see you and same of the other leaders take time by . ae ee ee Of course, if I lead off with that anatays ‘Shay Asi Thiet: £6 2s « porns Seiey of riimoe ssnondine with sane of the castern friends not at Least cause a geod round robin disoussion eneng the ecathes on the higher waslate The argument that we will progent ic that many timos a 6'7" juapor can bat the bells out of ee ee » Clair, wouldnt 1 be a fine idea if you would with wns ae' western coaches, because then they would see — . that en castern man is sponsoring the thing, wien rof om eomtenporariocs here do not want to support a } because sceusbody thought of it firste You wii fied me pitehding Sn your longus #ighh alongs x think we have mmy ideas thet are quite sinilars Tt will bea pleasure to soo you in Chicagoe + che wees ten teas Se ee ee 40 minute tem. If you throw a 12 foot tasket at these a ee ee oe on a caer aan Oe ae Oe would soon be forced to move out 12 to 16 LONG ISLAND UNIVERSITY ae COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES DEPARTMENT OF ATHLETICS AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION 300 PEARL STREET BROOKLYN, NEW YORK CLAIR F. BEE, Telephones Director . TRiangle 5-6211 March 7th, 1958 Mr. Forrest CC, Allen ” 7 Varsity Basketball Coach vg & ( University of Kansas Lawrencg, Kansas b f° a on: jw In reply to your letter of March 4rd, the big boy we have in school here from Oil City is Richard Ahrens, He is 6'10" in heighth and weighs 190 pounds. ry Dear ‘This boy has little or no coordination and it is doubtful if he will ever be of any value as a basketball player. However, aprapos on your suggestion of several years ago with respect to the elevation of the basket, he is able to kmock out set shots. In my mind this is sub-e stantial evidence of the point you raised with respect to the basket elevation. I certainly agree with you that the elimination of the center jump has had nothing whatever to do with the elimination of the tall players. Every team in the country is giving consideration to tall players. I quite agree that before the 4:06 is made there will be a six-seven’upon whom mo one Will be adle to seore. : Good luck. Let's get the center jump back if possible and if its necessary let's elevate the basket. Sincerely { wai es Ciailr F, Bee Director of Athletics NWR «AN Gib oe INTERCOLLEGIATE ELIGIBILITY RULES Each student must maintain satisfactory academic standing in order to be eligible to participate in athletics. No student may represent the University in a major sport until he has attained sophomore standing. Students who transfer from other colleges or universities must complete one year of college work at Long Island University before they may participate In major sports. badd ht a ite Hf fal a sie ths Ub unk, hal ent ane ae Baa eal ae 1 in Heli iid ee a a hea Be ae i af uit a i aie : (nid i a Hi ifs ‘tnt aL ai a ay ABH Hui EL n school of ecaches, i k : : With every good wish to you and Bonnie, I em { tt fa oa Wate : STANFORD UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF HYGIENE AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION Divisions of: Physical Education Activities (Including Athletics) Division of Informational Hygiene Professional Education in Hygiene and Physical Education Men Students’ Health Service University Health Service STANFORD UNIVERSITY, CALIFORNIA May 26, 1938 Drs F.C. Allen Basketball Coach University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Doc: You may recall the discussion at the last Rules Meeting concerning an experiment in connection with the widening of the free-throw lane. When I returned to the West Coast, I took this matter up with the Southern Division Coaches in order to get their reaction to such an experiment here next year in our conference games. They were very much in favor of trying this idea but they all had the feeling that the rest of the country might frown on this further pioneering on the part of the Pacific Coast Conference. They did not want the rest of the country to get the feeling that we here on the coast are attempting to tell the rest of the country how they should play. Certainly we do not have that idea in mind at all. For this reason, we decided not to take on the experiment, but rather it was suggested thet I write to you and give you this thinking and urge, therefore, that your cmference by all means attempt this experiment. We are very much interested in it; we would like to know the effect it may have on the game; we are quite willing to help wherever possible but in this particular case we did not want to become too presumptious. I hope that the Big Six Conference will see fit to try out this idea. To me, it has many possibilities, the most of which are good, IL think. However, it remains to be seen what happens after the idea has been tried. I had the pleasure of taking dinner with Jane the other day at Lagunite Court. I must say that she had not lost any of that youthful charm which I used to admire in her many years ago. She has made a great number of friends here and seems +o be very well liked. I know from what she says that she is en- joying her year here very much. With best wishes, I am Very cordially yours, JWB/é LONG ISLAND UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES TELEPHONE: DEPARTMENT OF ATHLETICS TRIANGLE 5-6211 AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION CLAIR F. BEE, DIRECTOR July 6th, 1938 Goach Forrest C. Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas My dear Fog: I am certainly glad that you will assist me with the Basketball Rules-Recommendations Committee. About the only change I can think of now would be your twelve foot basket. I feel that this is the only change which will be made, and maybe we can do something with it this year. : I shall get in touch with you in the early part of the fali. Best regards for a pleasant summer. Sincerely, CXair F. Bee irector of Athletics CFB:GG 242a INTERCOLLEGIATE ELIGIBILITY RULES : EACH STUDENT MUST MAINTAIN SATISFACTORY ACADEMIC STANDING IN ORDER TO BE ELIGIBLE TO PARTICIPATE IN ATHLETICS. NO STUDENT MAY REPRESENT THE UNIVERSITY IN A MAJOR SPORT UNTIL HE HAS ATTAINED SOPHOMORE STANDING. STUDENTS WHO TRANSFER FROM OTHER COLLEGES OR UNIVERSITIES MUST COMPLETE ONE YEAR OF COLLEGE WORK AT LONG ISLAND UNIVER - SITY BEFORE THEY MAY PARTICIPATE IN MAJOR SPORTS. Kansas State Teachers College : OF PirrspurG, KANsAs March 8, 1938 OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT Dr. Forrest C. Allen Director of Physical Edue ati on University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: Shall be more than delighted to have a visit with you if you can attend the Kansas State Physical Education convention here on March 25 and 26. Thank you most kindly for your gracious words regarding the twenty-five years. The most amusing thing about an anniversary of this kind is the fact that so many nice things are said about one that he is entirely unworthy of. So it is, and so it must be. My best wishes to you at all times. tire Joseph Ne Demat, 20 Richards Richards Street, — oe a Sass salsa Wis Seiee ang Boies he Strand ens tas We oy cos aa ekccas he tticus oF tee moeees At eet we Chicagce Mreotor Departaent of Physical Bihuwation aud Basketball Coach I find thet my winter months are strenuous end emtail my staying on the gob almost comtime ouslye : Sia: Gk Waited entacn th eve < Nbc ees Oe Os courtry sttanting riyaleal edueatica conventicnss We had meete= end gt » Pittsburg, Yanees, and Mlantea, And then _ 3 omc, end I made a tour of the stete giving crnnesent ear coe on ee Sar ey Coe ee pee Sesoione | | : i acs Silks tintin: Geen ‘Diets ose We epee te | ene Serincton He’ ny Sakdare So creer your Letter qremees | Coneeraing your basket, I might say that our group was not opposed to your basket any more than a mmber of other baskets ‘that were coming throuch for an 0.%. ‘ire Tower presented your Gladman and your teslwt, and explained fully the mectanians Th The committee discussed the advisability of each maaber placing one _ of the baskets in the gymmsim as a sample and trying it cute — The problem of expense, of course, aroges The camittee did not weat to purchase them and they thougt it ws wifsir to ask the individuals making the baskets to them because it was possible that some of these baskets not be approvede I do not belfeve there is any chance of the basket boing oF approved before the next mosting of the Rules body and the Re» search Camittes, which occurs next April. Mre Tower explained that you were working on a smll budget and that it would not he possible for you to furnish these baskets. eS owe aero Pie le : Dixeotor of L Education, 20 Richards Street Worcester, Mass. May 8, 1958 or. F.C. Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: Under date of April 7th, Mr. Oswald Tower wrote me advising that I would soon hear from you relative to my invention, a metal basket- ball basket, but inasmuch as I have not yet heard from you, I am taking this opportunity to further acquaint you with the situation. Mr. Tower advised me in his letter that the Committee was not willing to 0. K. my basket Without eivineg it a thorough trial. As explained to Mr. Tower, these baskets were installed in the Worcester Boys! Club gymnasium and have had. a most severe test, having been in use on an average of five hours daily for three months. I believe this test is equivalent to three years! service in the average gymnasium, and yet these baskets are in perfect cordition. There are several coaches in this vicinity who would like to have these baskets installed in their gymnasiums. Of course, I don't know how soon your school closes or how much of a test you could give the baskets before the sum- mer vacation, but with such a short season after basketball does commence next fall, I shall be terribly handicapped in doing anything with my baskets for the 1938 season, if I am fortunate enough to have them approved. Another point I wish to explain is that at any later date these baskets can be equipped with two electric contacts which will thus make it possible to ring a bell, sound a horn, or light a light or a series of lights, if so de- sired. ; Mr. Tower also advised me that you would like to install a pair of these baskets in your gymnasium, and I would be very glad to send them pr. F. ¢. Allen May 8, 1938 to you for trial purposes, on condition that ae they are not approved, they will be returned to me. On the other hand, if they should meet with the approval of the Committee, they will ‘become your property, to do with as you may wish. “© with to inguire at this time if there are any more members of the research committee who would like samples of my baskets,- if so, I would be — glad to accomodate them also. rete Mr. Frank A. Ryan, Superintendent of Worcester Boys! Clubs, has recommended my baskets heartily, and I am aiuecepied a copy of his recommendation herewith. | Appreciating your kind attentions in this matter, and awaiting receipt of your comments, Tr emo « Very truly yours, Joseph H. Bennett - fhe pair of "Bennett All-Steel". Ss which were heen aes and “— in — ee! : Our experience and the opinion ers, coaches. and the officials prompts me as necessary basketball equipment. Very sincerely yours, ‘Superintendent Lincoln Square Building duly 8, 1958s Dear Maurioss: Thani: you for your vory darbelligent approach to Mrs, Waaanete T aa Yory qure you will hear fron her in the oe ptsnbens ef Wigelinnd Sshenilien : FOASAH Varaity Daaketiall Concle seri si duly 5» L036, se he eadevetens that ivisable to bother sent of thia indebted~ $68.50 Presiden t. July 8, 1988. te Go Re Dartbolonany Doar Mire Bartholosews i received your letters Dre Forrest Ce Allen, head of the depariment, ee ee eee eat om be antoe You will will undoubtedly hear from him shortly» Vay Gecky pees Ve We lepp, Anuieten’ Frefuesits way te Kensas City I told her that I would Thank you very unshe Very sineorely yours, Davester of Physical Béucation, Varsity Basketball Coach. To = Albert Teachers Agencyp .25 East Jackson Blvd., Chicago, lle ae July 20, 1938. Mire Boardmem is a young man of splendid character, and he is especially | interested in youmg boyae His persistancy, leadership, and his iuterest in young people would mele hin a very valuable tenchors lis scholarship ic excellent. ie graduated from the University of Naneas in 1934, and did sone work om his master’s degree in 1935~— Ne majored in history, tut, also took severe? courses: in Spanish and politioal Sotenpes I would rate him above average in character, ability to cooperate, discipline, and comunity splrite iis persomlity is Mime, and he makes a very nice : T am glad to recomend Mr. Boardmn for a toashing positions 5401 Karnes Blvd, Kensas City, Mo, Hepruary 26, 1958, Dr» F. GC, Allen : Department of Athletics, Kansas University, Lawrenee, Kansas, Dear Dr. Allen: | , I have recently receiveé an application blank from Mr. George Melcher, superintendent of the Kansas City schools. I have just filled out the application and I have used your name as a reference, I appreciate what you have already done for m in other letters, and would appreciate very much any help that you can give me if you should received inquiry concerning m from the Kansas City schools. You will recall my work with the Jayhawk Junior Club. I am sorry that it no longer exists, but while it lasted, it was a fine thing for K.U. and for the children of Lawrence. I still follow the Jayhawiers with keen interest and may be in Lawrence this week to help them twist the Tiger's tail. Best of luck to ag team. Thanking you in advance for any help you may give, [ an, | Respectfully yours, Mae Re M. Carnes, Manager, MeClelian Teachers Agensys 207 Studio Kansas City, Moe Dear Me, Carnes: i remember Mre Ts. M. Boardman very well. Te graduated from the University of Kansas in 1954, and worked on his master's degree in 1955. He majored in history and took considerable work in Spanish and political sciense. IT bad extracurricular contacts with him when he formed the Jayhawk Jumior Club, a group of young boys — who desired tc see the athletic contests at the Univ~ ersitye - x thought he was wonderfully cooperatives He has a splendid character, and he was especially . Gmterested in young boys. His persistency, leadership, amd his interest in young boys would make him a very valuable person to doal with youmg peoples I em very happy to recomend hin without reservations Mrector of Physical Education, Varsity Basketball Coaches ur. — s office has on file papers for Thayer Bosréman, which might be the same person as T. M. aidan. He graduated here in '34, worked on master's degree in '353 majored in history, took considerable work in Spanish and political science. You filled out a recommendation blank for hin, rating him “excellent” in cooperation, character, etce ““very good" in muxkk physical vigor, leadership, ete. OPERATING MCCLELLAN STUDIOS R. M. CARNES, MANAGER Chty LT IT r A vi CLELLAN “Teachers Pleven Bucees 410 STUDIO BUILDING KANSAS CITY, MO, Feb. 8, 1938 Dr. Fe G@ Allen University of Sansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear My, Allen: Mr. T, M. Boardman who is now teaching at Junction School, Argentine, Kansas has registered with this agency for. a teaching position next year. He has given your name as a reference. I would appreciate a letter from you concerning Mr, Boardman. ‘Thanks, Eee Sincerely yours, MeCLELLAN TEACHERS AGENCY 207 Studio Building Kansas City, Mo. SRA KPY Ys A fff (A eer be {ff ff fof f5 J _— Wes Jl, C7 Uf AE tea Osha cues aaa Sei aT asa ike ohig ae Maid a ie a enim Tien eet kame GeO ck Ce cer i Enh ee eid alec Se ae sities Sex ear sce Rune alma 6 Poe ane el lire Maurice Le Breidenthal, Security Tationn] Bank, Fansas City, Kansase Dear lewrlees | Thenk you for your note of the 19th eudiokiig ange letter you govatved Tres res Wollinsinets I an wonfering if you would write Mrs. Yellhausen and esis hor if she and Al will sign = nor mote. Aj is now working in Oklahoma City end playins basketball with the Paves team, %T Think he should assume sam of this respansi« bility, and.should be able to gay somo of the interest on the notes fron time to ting. | I sew Mra. Wollhnusen for a fer mimrtes the other Gay, and realize that she has hed a pretty tough time. ler husband was a welletomdo exesutive in the grocery business in Ste Louis a fow years ago, end when the oresh came he lost his morale and business. Since thet time she has had to make os ies aedeagal | ; Suckdined Sk Sone be 0: cole Oe Oe al Go on at least a port of the respousilility of this indebtednose. Thank you very much for your iindmess in this mttere eter Me Sees ee PCAsAH Varsity Basketball Coaches : ‘PeSs I soo there is to be a reorganisation of the Board of et ek. ees Whe SECURITY NATIONAL BANK Kansas City, Kansas Maurice L. Breidenthal President July 19, 1938. Dr. Forrest C. Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Phog: I am enclosing copy of a letter just received from Mrs. Wellhausen. I wism after reading this letter you would advise me just what you would like to have done in the matter. With best wishes, I am suing E EB le y 4 ae very, very much for your kindness in lending this money to my ee ee Y (July, 1938) Lawrence, Kansas Monday Security National Bank Kansas City, Kansas Dear Mr. Breidenthal: Answering your letter of July 5th. First, I wish to thank you son, Al, making it possible for him to continue in school, and regret not having been able to repay you. We have had quite a hard time and last year was pretty hard on Al as he worked and went to school and also played basketball. He only has about half a semester to graduate, but was offered a better position if he would play basketball in Oklahoma. I am hoping, at the end of next year, to be able to pay you something on this debt. At present I cannot send you anything and Al had to borrow money to buy a second-hand car as he had to have one for this position. : At present I am rooming K. U. Athletes and boarded them all winter. I ama nurse and I think I will return to nursing, as that is all clear profit, and I really cannot make a cent on boarding the boys. Mr. Wellhausen has not worked for 5 years. If I nurse again I hope you will trust me to do my very best to get this debt cleared and I will also keep after Al about it. Thanking you for your patience and hoping to be able to surprise you with a small payment sometime, I remain Yours gratefully, (Signed) MRS. EDWARD L. WELLHAUSEN 1329 Vermont “treet Lawrence, Kansas. Mire Tred Ay Baird, ll EB. Gth Avenue, Eagorit, Kanente Doar Hite Baird: | -ui2h bo glad to e00 Jack Susy ond e422 sal $6 0 ‘poktt to be at the house around noone Se Sa steags © iene to Go anything fora fine f ty 0 Sa He is a great chape FRED A. BAIRD GEO. A. RICHTER BAIRD-RICHTER PAINT -- WALL PAPER -- GLASS 11 East Sixth Avenue Phone 43 EMPORIA, KANSAS June 30, 1938. Dr. Forrest C, Allen, Director of Physical Education, Yarsity Basketball Coach, Lawrence, Kansase Dear Dr. Allen: Jack will be in Lawrence Sunday, and if you have the time he would be pleased to have you look at his kmee. His leg is getting better every day and he gets around pretty well. It is not important that you see him, however, he will be glad to heave you look at it. Jack will call just after Church Services Sunday, but if you have other plans do not inconvenience yourself. I will not expect an answer to this letter. With kindest regards, I remain, Yours very truly,