April 21, 1944. Mre Carl Reade, - i the past semester, and that is a most worthy accomplishment. | : I know how proud you have made your parents feel because we had a similar experience with our Bobby ‘llen. The fathera are proud, ee ee Se | that you will make a most splendid hoping that you will want to attend the Univer- that I ean have the pleasure of having you om my : i es i I am sending you a Jayhawk Rebounds - a letter that I wrote approximately cach month to the boys in the service. I kmow that you will be interested in reading about some of the activities of these valorous Kensas boys on the seven seas and the meny fronts in this world war. a ee yu WELL EGS Tanne Joviers. - With our good wishes and congratulations, I am Sincerely yours, : Direoteor of Physical Education, FOAAH | Varsity Basketball Coach.