January 9, 1945. Mr. Ae D. Millor, Principal, Lakin High School, Lakin, Fenseg. . Dear Principal Miller: Yes, indeed, T do reseber you and T an mighty happy to. heer from you. : _ ‘I wrote Clyde Wiley that due to the war situation our’ winter term started at the University November 1 and 1+ closes on March 1. 80 that really shuts him out of basketball, be- cause it is too late to enter this semester. Had I heard from Glyde along in the fall I would have oe him to enter Noverber 1, but now it is too late. Doubtines he will want to go to Hays booaues the tenchers* college are all on a quarterly basis, and it would be easy for hin to enter for basketball. 'I do appreoiate you kindness in writing me, and I would like to have him enter next year if he is not looated. You might want to know that Leon Bawuan graduated fram the University of Kansas Medical School this last October and now has his M.D. degree. I am not sure where he is interning, but I am sure that Leon will make @ fine physician. He was city milk inspector here before entering upon his medical course. | With ell good wishes, I em Sincerely yours, ee oe Director of Physical Edcation, FOA:AH Varsity Basketball coach. LAKIN HIGH SCHOOL LAKIN, KANSAS Le Roderick, Clerk : Howard Duvall, Treasurer A. D. Miller, Principal - Sen eo ; i . C een Dod ok 99 yey fd — Py sgat 7 7 fe Gen ee: tzeee Vichy ie Coa Coe emt ee Lee Ee Chach Vt nee eee Le Boe LECALA oe od (tp ate But Haleh here, Ly ine ye lnm ‘ Fe oan a oe Pe pe fee ae es or S. te HY: woe pbb Se C ahi ck A hdl oes hon lea a. - 2 / ey Sere. Jenuary 5, 1945. Mr. Clyde Wiley, Lakin, Kansas. | Dear Clyde: he ie tie os Win writ Mele ele Due to war eonditions, our semesters have changed. Our next semester starts Marsh ist, and by that time ow basketball season, of course, will be over. I will be happy to learn if you are interested in attending the - ‘University of Kansas when the March semester begins. I note by the clippings which you enclosed that you certainly have been rolling them in. I notice, too, that Schnellbacher, Sublette star senter, made 30 points. Otto Scheellbacher, his older brother, played ono fine season for us here before he was called in the service. He has two left upon his return. i sak Ried, yeni cour ‘beatentibnd’ soteaiiddie: ail wiedld ts ee Ss oe you as our guest either at the Webraska game on January 12, or the Iowa State game on January 27. ‘ion't you write me and tell me if you can make one of these dates? I would be happy to talk to you, ‘euriwaa wear ates would like the University very much. You state that you are trying to decide what college to’ attend. in what do tou expect to major? Or are you just interested in getting « college degree? Hoping to hear from you in the near future, I an Sinesrely yours, ; Director of Physical Education, POA: AH : oo Varsity Basketball Coach. o,. 07 o0 37 eNnwroold [Lakin Smashes Out League Game Win Lakin —Clyde Wiley, Lakin’s dougle duty man, again went o a personal scoring spree to leac Lakin to a smashing 54 to 19 de- feat of Deerfield here last night. _ Wiley dropped in 13 field goal | and five. free throws for a 31 point total. His last game saw hin register 39 points, making hi total for the two 70 points. Wile ‘| plays both center and forward. Lakin held a 25 to 14 half-time lead. The Leoti town team defeater Lakin town team 31 to 138 in preliminary. Lakin Fg Ft F| Deerfield Fg Ft Hearst 1| Tibbitts 1 Halloran 2| Hernandez Adams _ 3| Mathias Eves 0| Clutter Wiley 3| Hernandez Walker : 0| Hagler Pennington 4| Moreland Kasle 0| Graham Kuhlman 1| Gomalez 2| ok Totals 211216] Totals y goals in that game?) - ' Large individual ‘scoring ‘totals ‘were made in western Kansas bas- | ketball this past week with Wiley, Lakin forward, hitting 39 points, and Schnelibacher, Sublette’s’ star ,center, potting 30 points. Hurst, Lakin,. didn’t, do so bad with 22! points. Paes * » Say i. We don’t: have ‘box scores. of the Lakin-Ingalls ahd Lakin-Coolidge games available, but in six of Lak- in’s eight games, Hurst anid: Wiley. have scored §217 points between them out of their team’s total of 308. In these six games Wiley has ‘averaged 20'% points per game and Hurst has averaged 15 5/6 points a game Where can you find a pair | of higher scoring forwards in the state?—They are both juniors, too. Se Y Camping Office CAMP BROOK LYN 55 Hanson Place, Brooklyn, N. Y. Paupack, Pike County, Pa. STerling 3-7000 October 21, 1944 Mr.£.C Quigley Athletic Director Kansas University Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Mr.Quigley: Carlson is definitely coming to Kansas Univer- sity as soon as he can get reservation. I believe that you will find that he is a very excellent boy and will make a great basket ball and baseball player in time. He certainly has a wonderful attitude. He comes from a rather poor family and will have to make his own way at Kansas University. He does not expect a great deal and is willing to work for anything that he gets. I told him that you would get him a job for his room and board and would help him in anyway you could. He is looking forward to meeting you and Dr. Allen and Il know that neither of you will be’ disappointed in him. Sincerely yours, > Paty Night letter og | October 16, 1944 West Orange, New Jersey Se, KH. CG. Quigley Carlson sent transcript Friday. Js nice clean kid, - 4P-. 612" ‘will need help, but willing to work. Excellent reputatkon, and basketball and baseball player. "Is ready to come awaiting your reply to .come and news on- acceptance in school. He will be a good beginning for you to get other boys from this area. No good football players available, but will line them uv for you next year. JIM FRALEY a E S E RN a ee This is a full-rate v \ T DL=Day Letter Telegram or Cable- : NL=Night Letter am unless its de- erred character is in- LC=Deferred Cable dicated by a suitable symbol above or pre- NLT =Cable Night Letter ceding the address. i A. N, WILLIAMS SACD AY _[Ship adtosyéen/ 7 PRESIDENT Sais ) Ne The filing time shown in the date line on telegrams and day letters is STANDARD TIME at point of origin. Time of Senet is STANDARD TIME at point of destination x KAZ11 NL PD=TDEX WEST ORANGE NJER 15 eat QUIGLEY= ATHLETIC DIRECTOR KANSAS UNIVERSITY CARLSON SENT TRANSCRIPT FRIDAY IS NICE CLE F SIX Om WILL NEED HELP BUT WILLING TO WORK: 7 REPUTATION AND BASKET BALL AND BASE BALL PLAYERS READY TO COMEs AWAITING YOUR REPLY TO COME AND NEWS ON ACCEPTANCE LN SCHOOLS He With BE AGG er 700 10. GET OTHER BOYS FROM THIS AREAS NO GOO FOOT BALL Nec YY PL AYERS AVAIL ABLE BUT WILL ih EM UI <= NEX M FRALEYs $4 Fe _ .___.sECIATE SUGGESTIONS FROM ITS £4 CONCERNING_ITS.SERVICE ene ca SERS FETE TINE => ——— ss ee peceemnanis ress aed ialiae nee nis sili a ha | = ip | aoe : | | I | rf Foe E gh een i Jim Praley, Head Foot Ball coach, Hest Orange High ochool, Vest Orange NiJ. | Dear Jims in ret Carlson; Xour first letter edvised me that. this boy had ©200,00; wanted to come out here to school; wae wllling te work: The Yatricviieticn fee for out-of-state uke a re ~& 20,00 The Semester feen are A 90, 00~-~—" TO0,06 (This is just double re it coats Kansas students) These fees ere payable within four days afer enrollments: We have several jobs here on the sha that wid - pay fifty eents an hours : Tn the matter of that initial © TI0,.00--* 320,00 I never neke any promises but I never disappoint angone,. I'm sure you underatand ne, .Meve Carlson come on at once; when he cote ‘e. Law rence have him contact DOr.Allen. Many thanks to youd Jim} 2 ; ie er ae ; Oe ed woot # - ¢ . & ki ra 2 E.C.Quigley, Director of Athletics, Y will have some fine jobs for good well meaning | boys next summer; I*11 ge : into that later on with JOU. Naa eter October 27, 1944. Coach ¥. oO. Ward, Medicine Lodge, Kansas. Dear Coach Ward: I certainly appreciate your fine cooperation. Don Heiland came down this week and the coaches are mighty well pleased with him. He is coming back this week-end, we think. I appreciate your suggestion to Don that he come on to school and wait wtil he is called, and not say any- thing about it to his board. That is fine headwork. Thanks for the name of the boy at Attica. All the eoashes deeply appreciate your fine cooperation. Sincerely yours, : Director of Physical Education, PCA:AH Varsity Basketball Coach. October 19, 1944. Coach V. 0. Ward, Medicine Lodge, Kansas. Dear Ve. Oo: : I have called Don Heiland a couple of times and have invited him down to our Homecoming game with Nebraska Saturday. He has not been called and it looks as if he might not be. I am sure he would help us both in football and basketball. I am hoping that he will come. : I do appreciate your friendly interest in the University of Kensas, and I assure you of my gratitude. | With all good wishes, I an \ Sincerely yours, | Direator of Physical Education, FCA: AH Varsity Basketball Coach. September 22, 1944. Coach Ve 0. Ward, Medicine Ledge, Kansas. Dear Coach Ward: Thank you soe much for giving me the information ree garding Den Helland, Dean Dawsen and Dick Dill. It is very generous of you to give me this information. I have just placed a call for Den Heiland this morning. Doubtless he may have gone to seme other school, but it was not possible for me to contact him sooner. I talked to Henry Shenk about Don Heiland and if he has not already entered school we would be delighted to have him here. I am making a notation regarding Dick Dill especially. I remember that you thought he rrould return to Medicine Lodge fran ElRenc. I certainly would like to have him on my basket- ball team because if he is as good as Dick Smith, he is a dandy. When I talk te Heiland I will ask him about Dawson's availability. Won't you be kind enough to keep ms informed regard- ing the available good men that you come in contact with? I. am anxious about this boy Truby that you mentioned. Anthony has had sowe fine athletes in the past few years, but the ser- vice seems to have gotten most of then. With appreciation, I am Very sincerely yours, Direoter of Physical Edusation, FCA :AH Varsity Basketball Coach. October i7, 1944. Mr. O. Fe Sehully, JYe, 225 So. Olympia, New Orleans, Lae Dear Foerster: I regret that I have not answered your letter sooner. A number of times I have endeavored to get hold of the Director of the State Board of Health and Sanitation, and also the Director of the State Geological Survey. These two professors have been out of town or out of the office at the various times that I have endeavored to contact them. It was necessary for me to work with our Dean of the School of Engineer- ing to be directed to the proper sources of job-letting. I now find that we are in a very good position to get these drafting jobs that these two people have. I asked one of the directors how much they paid an hour and he said that they put student assistants on at $50.00 a month. Then I asked the other director and he said, “We will have plenty of work", but did not give me the amount, However, I feel rather optimistic in regard to your case. You will under- stand that I could not afford to guarantees expenses. I have never done that for an athlete or a non-athlete. But I feel fairly sure that you can get as much drafting work as it will be possible for you to do, son- — that you are a student. I take it that you will want to study avehitestaral engineering, but I do not know. It might be possible that you want to study to obtain a bachelor's degree in Education with a major in Physical Bducation. I am sending you University catalogues and also a brochure on our Physical Education major course. I am sending you the estimated cost of tuition for the year, with the health fee and activity fee included: Matriculation fee (payable but once) $20.00 Incidental fee (each semester) 75.00 | Z Health fee (each semester) 5.00 7 Activity fee (fall semester) — 7.50 Our regular fall semester opens November 1. We have now a short six-weeks course which aids us in coordinating our Army and Navy courses, so our regular fall term opens November 1, although this is much later than our usual opening around the middle of September. ie You would be eligible for varsity basketball if you should enter at that time. The freshman rule is not in operation here for the war period. I would be glad to hear from you as to your studies and your intentions. I believe you can make it, and I am quite sure you will like the place. Again let me repeat that with your capabilities and with your desire to get an education, I believe that you will want to take a chance. I pledge you my full cooperation in helping you in every possible way. With all good wishes, I am Sincerely yours, a 3 Director of Physical Education, PCA:AH | Varsity Basketball Coach. Os Fe SCuWLLY, JRe 225 So. OLYMPIA New ORLEANS, LA. OctoserR 13, 194) Dre FORREST Ce ALLEN DIRECTOR OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION © aes VARSITY BASKETSALL GOAGH : UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS LAWRENCE, KANSAS DEAR Mre ALLEN? NoT RECEIVING A REPLY FROM YOU TO MY LETTER OF September 5, | TAKE THIS OPPORTUNITY TO GALL TO YOUR ATTENTION MY DESHERE TO ATTEND THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS.» | AM INGCLOSING A GOPY OF MY LETTER OF SEPTEMBER 5 IN THE EVENT THAT THIS GOMMUNIGATION DID NOT REACH YOUR OFFICE. AWAITING A FAVORABLE REPLY FROM YOU, | AM, YOURS VERY _JRULY, Fe SCHULL O- ies (1) See ay “ay, Lesser is aesire so mvralp a degree. se eee Loft Coordinator. , ‘Show ax I: te "985 Zo. ne Street. _ Few eg te Loulat ne | ae, forsestt, aia) a “Wirector ef Paysical zdu oat son Ae Wareity Sesketbaii Conch © a versity of Ransas.— er Ranous Pere e . ey ee : | ae oe Desr be. Alben: ae oe a: an wetting} in zoly ‘Ee your letter of tie 29th to mr myriad friend, Mies Lee Bellew. = & 2 sy yd deeply mppres aie. tue Sesenveasey you have offered me. My ry sevice » beer i obtain a college meen si and to play: college. beskowsl, sa toe the Universi %; at Kansas ‘bas. no eeholersntps, thie does mig in | ete * : ee en 4 om: 0 years old end — aridnated in Los2 tren femsy High ‘Sehoal of . - ‘tan: vrleans, after. graduation x war employed oy Fars Credit. aAdminie tration. as es. wail eherk for ‘eleven montige Singe the army rejected me for bronchial agthra,. “1 resignad to téke @ jowoin on esecntiel industr at Tulane University i received - @ Government ky V. 3S. a, T. courée in Aircraft Drafting. ‘The soiree comzizted of 490 actual bour: Acurs, boring twelve montas at Bigeine Aircraft, Ine. I hove worked in the ¢specities of breftsmun , _Bayout a Ske. Liaisen Engineer end % cy do need financial. eke: i. Penlt he omy ambition. ~ Finsneiei seks to the akteut tHe i wiil. héve- tO Work to earn, all amy. axpenees while I am . ASSESS enste Saivereity. : pee 1 an willing to. Work at: any p20. you &Pé Boule to secure for Wg. AS You ae hate site in your letier, If it is possivis to obtain « jop where ny Hrafting ability, will D8 Used, Would be ey ferred . Se sos + tee - io ee! eS + ee » 4 es ; * it : Esme ernie