STANFORD UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF HYGIENE AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION Divisions of: Physical Education Activities (Including Athletics) Division of Informational Hygiene Professional Education in Hygiene and Physical Education Men Students’ Health Service University Health Service STANFORD UNIVERSITY, CALIFORNIA May 26, 1938 Drs F.C. Allen Basketball Coach University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Doc: You may recall the discussion at the last Rules Meeting concerning an experiment in connection with the widening of the free-throw lane. When I returned to the West Coast, I took this matter up with the Southern Division Coaches in order to get their reaction to such an experiment here next year in our conference games. They were very much in favor of trying this idea but they all had the feeling that the rest of the country might frown on this further pioneering on the part of the Pacific Coast Conference. They did not want the rest of the country to get the feeling that we here on the coast are attempting to tell the rest of the country how they should play. Certainly we do not have that idea in mind at all. For this reason, we decided not to take on the experiment, but rather it was suggested thet I write to you and give you this thinking and urge, therefore, that your cmference by all means attempt this experiment. We are very much interested in it; we would like to know the effect it may have on the game; we are quite willing to help wherever possible but in this particular case we did not want to become too presumptious. I hope that the Big Six Conference will see fit to try out this idea. To me, it has many possibilities, the most of which are good, IL think. However, it remains to be seen what happens after the idea has been tried. I had the pleasure of taking dinner with Jane the other day at Lagunite Court. I must say that she had not lost any of that youthful charm which I used to admire in her many years ago. She has made a great number of friends here and seems +o be very well liked. I know from what she says that she is en- joying her year here very much. With best wishes, I am Very cordially yours, JWB/é