OPERATING MCCLELLAN STUDIOS R. M. CARNES, MANAGER Chty LT IT r A vi CLELLAN “Teachers Pleven Bucees 410 STUDIO BUILDING KANSAS CITY, MO, Feb. 8, 1938 Dr. Fe G@ Allen University of Sansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear My, Allen: Mr. T, M. Boardman who is now teaching at Junction School, Argentine, Kansas has registered with this agency for. a teaching position next year. He has given your name as a reference. I would appreciate a letter from you concerning Mr, Boardman. ‘Thanks, Eee Sincerely yours, MeCLELLAN TEACHERS AGENCY 207 Studio Building Kansas City, Mo. SRA KPY Ys A fff (A eer be {ff ff fof f5 J _— Wes Jl, C7 Uf AE tea Osha cues aaa Sei aT asa ike ohig ae Maid a ie a enim Tien eet kame GeO ck Ce cer i Enh ee eid alec Se ae sities Sex ear sce Rune alma 6 Poe ane el