THES FSR TR REET TY, 1626 Nebraska | Kanses City, Kansas July 6, 1942 Dr. Forrest C. Alien . University of Kansas Lawrence, Kinsas Dear Dr. Allen: You will probably renember my spesking to you about my brother Bill at our Easketball Bangiet. Bill was supposed to cone to Lawrence the week end of the Relays, but he was working and unable to get away. I was home last week end, the first time since Haster, end I had quite a talk with Bill. He is still very, very eager to come to the University of Kansas. Bill is working this summer at ihe Mill in Sterling, but we all krow that he would be unable to come to K. U. unless he could get some kind of a job. I remember my struggle at K. U. -= working at the Jayhawk for my board and on N.Y.A. for spending money. It wasn't too pleasant. However, I have talked to the Wyandotte boys up there-- and they really seem to like their arrangement. Beimg my brother, I think Bill has possibilities. ke is a good athlete, an "A" student, and a hard worker. He earned eleven athletic letters at Sterling and made the National Honorayy Society. Of course, I realize that Sterling is a small town, but I feel that Bill hes it in him. He wants to be a coach. I would surely be very grateful if you would give hin Some kind of a job in your department. Of course, 1 realise that you have a lot of boys to take care of, but I remember yout saying you could always use another good boy. How is Summer School going? I imagine thet you have been enjoying the cool weather. I surely heave. I have a job as Research Chemist in a Crystal Laboratory in Kanses City, Mo. We make crystals for the