Mae Re M. Carnes, Manager, MeClelian Teachers Agensys 207 Studio Kansas City, Moe Dear Me, Carnes: i remember Mre Ts. M. Boardman very well. Te graduated from the University of Kansas in 1954, and worked on his master's degree in 1955. He majored in history and took considerable work in Spanish and political sciense. IT bad extracurricular contacts with him when he formed the Jayhawk Jumior Club, a group of young boys — who desired tc see the athletic contests at the Univ~ ersitye - x thought he was wonderfully cooperatives He has a splendid character, and he was especially . Gmterested in young boys. His persistency, leadership, amd his interest in young boys would make him a very valuable person to doal with youmg peoples I em very happy to recomend hin without reservations Mrector of Physical Education, Varsity Basketball Coaches