June 17, 1942. Mr. Alton Redus, Route 2, Box 161, Kingsville, Texas. Bear Altens 4 : I am happy to have your letter of Jume 12, and giad to knew that lir. Isenberger has recommended — the University of Eansas to you. og imagine, however, that you are interested in ebtaining a schelarship. I understand that Rice and many ef the other schools have scholarships which provide for room, beard, tuition - if there is any, and also spending money for the athlete. Here at the University of Kensas we have never had such scholarships. The tuition fer non-residents © is treble what it is for residents of Kansas, and ' unless you had enough money saved to take care of your expenses you would find it rether hard to earn what you would need. I believe with your baseball skill you would find places where you could obtain a scholarship - perhaps the University of Texas. I regret very much that we heave nething of the sort here to offer you. _ We do eppreciate Mr. Isenberger’s friendship and we would like to have yeu at the University of Kensas, but there are other schools where beseball is apprec- jated mere than it ig here. I am glad to send you a catalog of the University of Kansas, and if under the circumstances you decide to come we shell be hapyy to . —— | ‘Sinserely yours, ' --“: Déreeter of Physical Education and hierdie, FCA: AH . —_ Basketball and Baseball Ceache