EDWARD D. KROESCH Cc. C. HARDY, Principal Superintendent Senior High School HOISINGTON PUBLIC SCHOOLS HOISINGTON, KANSAS June 18, 1942 Dr. Forrest C. Allen, Director Physical Education and Recreation University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Dr. Allen: The boy whom Dr. Malott was undoubtedly speaking about is Ray Thayer. He graduated this spring in the lst honor group was active in school organizations, Hi-Y, Student Council, music groupdé, dramatics and journalism. He is a very talented boy and hopes to go into some form of engineering. He has been one of the outstanding basketball players in this section in the last two years although he has grown up with the game. He handles himself easily on the floor and in most games has been the leading scorer. I cannot tell you what his average has been but I am confident it was rather high. I believe he has already made application for entrance in one of the boys! dormitories. That indicates somewhat the position in which the family finds itself. I believe they will be able to give him some help but he has always been a boy who has had a job while going to school and I think he feels a certain responsibility in this line. I think it would be very fine if you could write him because I know he will be a very desireable student both scholastically and in athletics, Sincerely yours, ey vhaaecd. Edward D. Kroesch, Sup't Hoisington, Kansas.