To = Albert Teachers Agencyp .25 East Jackson Blvd., Chicago, lle ae July 20, 1938. Mire Boardmem is a young man of splendid character, and he is especially | interested in youmg boyae His persistancy, leadership, and his iuterest in young people would mele hin a very valuable tenchors lis scholarship ic excellent. ie graduated from the University of Naneas in 1934, and did sone work om his master’s degree in 1935~— Ne majored in history, tut, also took severe? courses: in Spanish and politioal Sotenpes I would rate him above average in character, ability to cooperate, discipline, and comunity splrite iis persomlity is Mime, and he makes a very nice : T am glad to recomend Mr. Boardmn for a toashing positions