June 15, 1942. lr. Ellis Wicolet, Cimarron, NANISES o | Dear Ellis: So ve I wis very happy to have your letter of recut date. Yes, I remember meeting you with your father. oe Otte Schnelibachér had an opportunity to vieit with you. I om sure that he likes the University of Kensas pretty well because he has done excellent work in an academic way. He is tops = - personally and athletically. ‘The professors here are very fond of him and the coaches, of course, think he is the ideal student > @ithlete. It is such fellows as Solmellbacher that we are ‘particularly interested in. simile ‘wail: hindi 0s Shin: damn ‘hindi War Meelienaleniles of Kansas. After your talk with Selmellbasher you can getan _ idea about how we conduct athletics here at the University. We encourage that type of student and discourage the fellow who comes only to play ball. We iknow thet the latter tpe will not stay a a ee Tf you ere interested in coming to the University we En eee eee Fee ee ry Oe Se eee ee ro a or | I want to congratulate you on your fine athletic record. ‘If there is any further informtion that I can give you I will be happy to do soe Won't you write me and tell me what school you are particularly interested in, then I will send you a catalog of | that particular school. — ‘T em asking the Registrar to mail you a a Sa a ey See fsa yee ‘Veil wh) dee Aah eben akon "hi ghehat" students at the University, but Sohnelibecher is a typical type of student athlete that you wilt Sind an te athiotio ~oans, —— our basketball tome ! 7 : Sinoerely yours, | ‘ ee _ Director of Physical Education and Recreatich, > POA Varsity Basketball end Baseball Coach. :