The matriculation fee for a resident of the State of Kansas is but $10.00 and the incidental fee is $25.00 a semester. ‘The health fee is $5.00, the activity fee is $7.50 for the first sem- ester, and $4.50 for the second semester. Therefore, a boy can go through the University for less than $100.00 and that is as cheap or cheaper thm he oan go through Washburn, because while And then of course the standing of the two institutions mst be teken into considerations. ‘¢aed epiceilicke tags. ik gon mare be @ in total of those boys. If you will drop me a line I will be glad to cooper~ ate with you in every possible wy. I appreciate your interest. Sincerely yours, oe ees Director of Physical Education, FOA:AH Varsity Basketball Coach. Sage