July 3, 1542. BOve. ly» 1120 Tuam’ BvG@e5 Topeka, Kansas. Dear Geer ge: des tins tn: cacy ni eet ds ts el is interested in your coming to the University of Kansas. @ad I assure you that we would be happy to have yous | However, I understand that you have nioved to Calif= ornia and there is a question whether you will return. If and when you do, I assure you we would be very glad to have you metriculate at the University of Kansas. We are offering engineering and other courses thet are vital to wer industry, ad & eae hes Gakick 4 aes 8 ees Gk. _ @ttend college umtil he graduates before he is called into the service. ‘If you should be interested T would be happy to hear from yous With all good wishes, I am f Sincerely yours, | Director of Physical Education, . POA:AH Varsity Basketball Coach.