April 13, 1942. To Varsity and Freshman Basketball Men; Iam enclosing a copy of a letter that I have recently sent to outstanding high school seniors, inviting them to come to the gymnasium on the morning of the Kansas Relays, April 18, to shoot a few goals and work out with the varsity players. Hach of you will be considered a committee of one to greet these boys and help each one of them have a good time. I would appreciate it if you will keep Saturday morn- ing free for these high school boys. Flan to get here about 9:30 and be dressed in your varsity uniforms by the time the boys arrive. Some of our boys have said that this little courtesy had as much to do with their determination to enter the University of Kansas as any one thing. I want you to know how important it is to our visitors. This "mixer™ is something that they will cherish for a long time. The whole purpose of the affair is for the boys to come and shoot some baskets, take a shower, and then get a ticket for the Kansas Relays in the afternoon. Please stop by my office early this week and let me know that I may count on each one of you. Sincerely yours, fe ‘ cos pxakct eite ee : J ee as a — i sar es irector of Physical péuceation and Recreation, _ ‘FCA: AH Varsity Basketball; 1 Baseball Coach.