Dear Darrell: + elk Sols a Oeste teansennie ts ak Gini Black with hig enlistment in the Cadet Aviation Reserve. I saw Ted O'Sullivan oe Se ee yo letter which was written hin on Nay 16. £ am writing to tel yuu thet we will be glad to help via yourself. Iam sure that I mt you when I spoke at Paseo High School this past winter. You have « fine academic record and we would be happy to heve you here at the University. ‘hat are you : on studying? If you do not have a catalog please advise me end I will see that one is sent you together with any other available information you may wish. There is no question ebout our being able to give you eo it because not only do we have jobs here but the Hercules people are putting on split shifts for the students and there ia every cqpertaity te find al) the work éhat you will be able to do this fall. All our Lewrence merchants are expecially eee eS. ee ee ee % all he will have no difficulty in getting work. And we have several — - the Universi ee ‘boyse I have such jobs at the present time. patting you veply, 1 on Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, PCAs AH 2 Varsity Basketball Coach.