FAITZ OO. TIRES * BATTERIES « GASOLINE « OILS * AUTO SUPPLIES * LUBRICATION + WASHING PHONE 4 LAWRENCE, KANSAS March 27, 1942 Mr. Jerome Adame 725 West Thomas Avenue Shenandoah, Iowa Dear Mr. Adams: Please pardon my long delay in answering your letter in re- gard to your son Don attending K. U. It is good to hear from Harry Ott and I am always glad to hear from a Firestone desler beCause TI enjoy being one of them. Your son Don Certainly has a fine reCord in basketball as well as in his studies and both of these things appeal equally in strength in Dr. Allen's attitude toward the men on the Squad. — Dr. Allen requires a high sChoolasti¢ standing of his boys and he teaCthes them many things other than basketball that will be of great value to them in later life. I hope that Don Gan have the privilege of this assoCiation, he is not only a fine Coach but «a fine aggressive gentlemens : I feel that I should give you some information regarding the Cost of attending K. Ue. As an out-of-state student the tuition would be $75.00 each semester or a total of----~---3150,00 MatriGulation fee (pay only onCe)---------9+-----=. 20,00 Hospital fee per FOO To ee ee ce re a te ce a a ge SS 10,00 TPotale------- $192.50 -- Board and room at present time will Cost approximately - $30.00 per month, however, this figure might be slightly higher next fall due to antiCipated in¢rease in prices as a result of a war effort plant soon to be loCated near LawrenCe, | I believe Don Can be assured of a job so that he Can earn $20.00 per month by working two hours per day and four hours Satur- day morning at thirty-five Cents per hour. : While K. U. does not have the polity nor the funds to sub- sidize ‘t's athletes like some sChools. I believe, that K. U. offers other advantages that makes this Cost worthwhile if a student has the means to attend here.