April 2, 1942. Yr. Harold Howey, Tola, Kansage Dear Harold; Walter Scott Fees, Jr., has spoken to me of your interest in «.U., and I want to assure you that it will be a pleasure to render any service or to give you any inform ation you should desire about the University of Kansas. It has been our custom in the past few years to in- vite outstanding seniors who are proficient in basketball to com to the University on the morning of the Kensas Relays, April 18, about 10 o'clock, and work out with ow versity and freshman basketball players in the gymmasium. It is not necessary thet you bring any athletic equipment. e will check out equipment to you and you will have a lot of fun shooting goals and playing informally with the boys from 10 to 11:306 Our varsity basketball players will be dressed and will put on a few drills, but nothing elaborate, You merely check out equipment and go with the boys on the floor and have a lot of fun shooting baskets, then teke a shower, and _ you are ready for an early start for the outstanding Kenses Relays. we will have a ticket ready for you for the Relays in the afternoon. Our purpose in having you here ie to give you an opportumity to meet our varsity players. I trust that it will be possible for you to come. Please let me hear from you at your convenience. Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Bducation end Recreation, PCA:AH Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach.