Mevityy The all-state class B_ basketball honor roll p.cked by the ees are as follows: Forwards: Erroll Johnson, Hal- stead} Gilbert Woodworth, Halstead; Bob Moeller, Arnold; Rex Huxman, Arnold; Clarence Irisk, Ingalls; Car- old Burns, Ingalls; Richard Pfister, Powhattan; Grant Clothier, Sylvia. Centers: Max Smiley, Halstéad; Jack Qwens, Powhattan; Earnest Clark, Cedar Vale; Eugene Olson, Erie. ‘ Guards: Ronald Huxman, Arnold; “ichard Huxman, Arnold; Jack 3echultz, Halstead; Melvin Smith, Halstead; Lon Henderson, Ingalls; Wilbur Humphres, Cedar Vale; Phil- lip Cadue, Powhattan; Weldon Banz, Sylvia.