THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS, LAWRENCE, KANSAS KANSAS STATE COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE AND APPLIED SCI MANHATTAN, KANSAS KANSAS STATE TEACHERS COLLEGE OF EMPORIA, KANSAS ForT HAYS KANSAS STATE COLLEGE, : HAYS, KANSAS TAT ae VC KANSAS STATE TEACHERS COLLEGE — OF KANSAS - OF PITTSBURG, KANSAS SCHOOL FOR THE BLIND, ae ae = KANSAS CITY, KANSAS ears VR eara 3 SCHOOL FOR THE DEAF, — —BRnanon nc OLATHE, KANSAS BOARD OF REGENTS WESTERN UNIVERSITY, : EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS KANSAS CITY, KANSAS KANSAS VOCATIONAL SCHOOL, TOPEKA, KANSAS Hut chins on, Kansas March 125 1942 e Mre Phog Allen University of Kansas Lawrences Kansas Ss . Sirs ot a" _ Dear Sir 4 : Enclosed find a clipping which appeared in the sport & : column of our local paper concerning a young man who is . a very good friend of mines " : In my. opinion and limited knowledge of what it takes ) | i. to make a good basketball player, I would guess this boy has all the qualificationse He is a good scraper, a good ‘ sport, and a good studente His dad is a former KeUe man without athletic experence; so I am quite sure this boy 4 will be interested in the University of Kansas, very likely as a medical student. - -I hope you have the pleasure of meeting this young fellow because I: am sure you will be impressed by his make-upe I think he is the type of fellow any coach would be proud to have a member of his teame I wish you luck in your tournament in Kansas City, and that you come on through and sink the Navy in your next game with theme db. truly, Willis Ne Kelly WNK: BR : Member