AG wa ih, : ele BE ; a9 rs iit H 3 z Versi of ty Basketh ee D 2 Dduowtion - Conthe sation, gee, ete tf iit HI | He ibe il Lf gi it i ut ; i ; “att ae i i if i 8 gaia 2 a i! a4] HH i Hae Arkansas City, Kansas April 6, 1942 Dr. Phog Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: I received your letter concerning me coming to K. U. this Spring to the relays and to practice in the gymnasium. I know it would be an honor to meet your varsity team and I appreciate the opportunity greatly. I regret to say that our High School tennis team is going to play in the Ark Valley and the State about that time. Our coach thinks we have a good chance, so I would hate to let him down. Thanking you again for your interest in me, I am Sincerely yours, Oak Mh J . pear pr. Allen: Could you use a boy like this 4H) | H.M.M. St. # ours Ri: Bob Kurland, Jennings Basketeer, Stands Out and Up on Hardwood - 6-Foot [1/2-Inch Star = Scored 177 Points; Meet Opens Tomorrow ees Bob Kurland, lanky Jennings .«basketball center, in addition to leading the district high “individual scoring race, might also claim another honor—one that could easily go unchal- enged by a prep anywhere in ~the United States—that of *peing the tallest cager of the “geason. — Bob, cocaptain and senior on --€oach Walter L. Rulon’s quintet, “:tand son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert ~ ‘Kurland of 8837 Blewett avenue, ,Stands 6 feet 11% inches high in “his stocking feet. If there are any ~ other high schocl players who can Sbiat this, neither the coach nor .. Kurland has heard of them. ~+*: The nearest approach here to “*Kurland’s height are Paul Scoville - ‘of Ferguson, who is 6 feet, 7 inches ~and “Red” Morrow of Roosevelt, -awho’ stands 6 feet, 6 inches. -. Kurland is 17 years old and * ‘weighs 210. He will graduate in _June, but has not as yet decided , What university he will attend. ' The tall center is pacing the Se = Sounty League, having accumulat- - ed 130 points in six games for an _. average of 21.7 points per game. - This includes only league contests _as compiled by the Globe-Democrat. * His sharpshooting has been con- sistent throughout the season as he ., has jammed in 177 points in eight - games for an all-season average of 19.9 points per game. a ~ registered against Hancock Friday night, in a league engagement in ~ Which he poured in 33 points. His * lowest mark was against Mehlville ~ on December 12, also in a league .. contest, in which he accounted for “dd points. .» . Bob has sparked his team in the - ,~hot race in the County League and ~ is mainly responsible for its five _ eonsecutive victories. Jennings lost its first game last week, a non- ~ league affair with Ferguson, but “the lanky ace scored 15 points as ‘his team was defeated, 32/to 28. - Kurland will be seen in action in the league’s annual tournament “which will start tomorrow night = and wind up Friday night at Fergu- son Senior High School. Jennings -is defending champion, having de- ~throned Eureka, twice holder of 8e “the title, last year. The high mark of thé season was Bob Kurland and his coach, Robert L. Rulon. Three first-round games are on tomorrow night’s schedule, in which Valley Park will oppose Affton in the opener at 7 o’clock. Eureka will engage Riverview Gardens at 8 and Hancock will mix with Brentwood at 9. Jennings, Fairview, Bayless, Ferguson and Mehlville drew first- round byes and will not see action until Tuesday night in quarterfinal round tilts. The semifinals will be staged Wednesday night and the final Friday night with the gymna- sium being dark Thursday night. Mre Johnny Uewell Newton, Kansas Dear Johunys it hus been our custom in the past few years to invite outstanding seniors who are proficient in basketball te come to the University on the morning of our Relays, April 16, about 10:00 o'clock, and work out with our varsity and freshmen basketball players in Robinson Gymnasium. It is not necessary that you bring any athletic equipment. We will check out equipment to you and you will have a lot of fun shooting goals and playing informally from 10:00 to 11:30. | Our varsity basketball players will be dressed and will put on a few drills, but nothing elaborate. You merely cheek out equipment and go with the boys on the floor and have a lot of fun shooting baskets then take @ shower, and you are ready for an early start for the out- standing Kansas Relays. | 7 alas We will have a ticket ready for you for the Kansas Nelays in the afternoons Our purpose in having you here is to give you an oprortunity tc meet our varsity players. I trust that it will be possible for you te comes Please let me hear from you at your conveniences | If there is anything that I can do in the way of giving you information or rendering you any service thet you should need, it will be @ pleasure to have you call on mes ; With all good wishes, I em, Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach Wereh Sl, 1942. Mire George Peverly Topekn, Kansas ‘Dear Georges eda. lc ais iskan tu tbh piak See ones Os ten aes standing seniors whe are proficient in basketball to come to the University on the morning of our Relays, April 18, about 10:00 D e'eleuks cab wae aes with our varsity and freshmen baeketball pleyers in Robinsori Gymrasiun. it oo not necessary that you bring ary athletic equipment. We will cheek out equipment to you and you will have a lot of fun shooting goals and playing informally from 10:00 to 11:50. Our varsity basketball players will be dressed and will put on a few érille, but nothing elaborate. You merely check out equipment ok Gs GUak Geb bees ok the flour ent howe 6 lot of fun shooting baskets, then take @ shower, and you are ready for an early start for the oute starding Kansas Relayee ies A001 bees 0 Gisidnieesdy fer yin bee “he Siaeb-Rilege te , bck auld 40 wail bo seains for you te come. eo me hear from you at your conveniences : ac cea 5 Gn dn is Ss age et gt em information or retidering you any service WEN yen should need, it will ee a om With all good wishes, I am, Sineerely yours, Director of Physical Edueation and Recreation Varsity Sacketbali and Saseball Coach on the morning of our Relays, April 18, about 10:00 ofc with our varsity and freshmen basketball cleyere in Robins it ie not necessary that you bring any athletic equipsente We will check out equimment to you and you will heave a ict of —— goals and playing informally from 10:00 to 11:80. 4Fs ‘ & \ Our varsity basketball players will be dressed end will put on j a fow drille, but nothing elaborate. You merely cheek out equipment and go with the boys on the floor and hove e lot of fun sheoting baskets, then take @ shower, and you ere ready ‘or an carly start for the oute standing Eaneas Selayse | ek baie w white esy tee Sux tee ht Panes ele the afternoone Toca. OC ee ee pert 1 trust that it will be possible for you to cones Please let me hear from you at your conveniences if there is anything that I can do in the way of giving you information or rendering you any serviee that you should need, it will be a pleasure to have you call om mes With all good wishes, I am, Sincerely yours, Director of Physieal Bdueation and Peereation Varsity fasketball and Baseball Coach March 31, 1942. Ure Max Smiley Halstead, Kansas Dear Maxs It has been our custom in the past few years to invite outstanding seniors who are proficient in basketball to come to the University on the morning of our Relays, April 18, about 10:00 o'clock, and¢work out with our varsity and freshmen basketball pleyers in Robinson Gymnasium. It is not necessary that you bring any athletic equipmente We will cheek out equipment to you and you will heave a lot of fun shooting gone and playing informally from 10300 to 11:30. Our varsity basketball pleyers will be dressed and will out on a few drills, but nothing elaborate. You merely cheek out equipment and go with the boys on the floor and have a lot of fun shooting baskets, a ee ey et to oute standing Kansas Relays. | We will have a ticket ready for you for the Kansas Relays in the afternoon. or to meet our varsity players. _ I trust that it will be possible for you to come. Please let me hear fron you at your convenience. If there is anything that 1 can do in the way of giving you information or rendering you any service that you should need, it will be a pleasure to have you call on me. With all good wishes, I an,. Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation Varsity Basketball and 3aseball Coach - FOAsAn ‘Merch $1, 1942. Mrre Wendell Pollock Wichita Past High School | Wichite, Kansas Dear Wendell: it has been our custom in the past few years to invite outstanding seniors who are proficient in basketball te come to the University on the morning of our Relays, April 15, about 10:00 o'clock, and work out with our vareity and freshmen basketball players in Robinson Gymmasiume It is not necessary that you bring any athletic equipments We will check out equipment to you and you will have a lot of fun shooting -_ and playing Aeerenthy from 10:00 to 11:50. Our versity basketball players will be dressed and will put on a few drills, but nothing elaborate. You merely check out equipment and go with the boys on the floor and have a lot of fun shooting baskets, — thon tako @ hover, and you are ready for an early start for the out~ standing Kansas Relayse We will have a ticket ready for you for the Kansas Relays in the afternoone ee ne oe re ee ee to meet our varsity players. i trust that it will be possible for you to comée Please let me hear from you at your convenience. If there is anything that I can do in the way of giving you information or rendering you any service that you should need, it will bea pleasure to have you call on me. With all.good wishes, i an, Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation Varsity Basketball and Basebeil Coach PCA :Al March 31, 1942. Mir, Hayden Hubbard Hutchinson, fansas Dear Hayden: 2a Aid bake oor Gentes Ln the peat feu ponte to invite outstanding seniors who are proficient in basketball to come to the University on the morning of our Relays, April.18, about 10:00 o'elock, and work out with our varsity and freshmen basketball players in Robinson Gymmasium. It is not necessary that you bring any athletic equipmente We will check out equipuent to you end you will have a lot of fun shooting goals and pleying onan from 10:00 to 11:30. Our varsity basketball players will be unteek and will put on @ few drills, but nothing elaborate. You merely check out equipment and go with the boys on the floor and have a lot of fun shooting baskets, then take a shower, and you are ee ee ee ‘ standing Kansas Relays. | We will have a ticket ready for you for the Kansas Relays in the afternoons Out purpose in having you here is tc give you an opportunity to meet our varsity players. I trust that it will be possible for you to comes Please let me hear from you at your conveniences if there is anything that I can do in the way of giving you information or rendering you any service that you should need, it will be a pleasure to have you call on més. With all good wishes, I am, Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Reereation Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach FCA sAH March $1, 1942 it hes been our custom in the past few years to invite outstanding seniors who are proficient in basketball to come to the University on the ‘ of our Relays, April 16, about 10:00 o’clock, and work out with our varsity and freshmen basketball players in Robinson Gymnasium, It is not necessary that you bring any athletic equipments We will check out | equipment to you and you will have a lot of fun shooting goale and playing informal to 11:30. | | 00 Our varsity basketball players will be dressed and will put on @ few drills, but nothing elaborate. You merely cheek out equirment | and go with the boys on the floor and have a lot of fun shooting baskets, then take a shower, and you are ready for an carly stert for the out~ We will have a ticket ready for you for the Kansas Relays in the afternoons Gur purpose in having you here is to give you an opportunity Saneees meet | i trust that it will be possible for you to comes Please let me hear from you at your conveniences 3 § 5 g : If there is anything that I can do in the way of giving you information or rendering you any service that you should need, i¢ will be & pleasure te have you call on mes. | With all good wishes, I am, Sincerely yours, -” ~ Director of Physical Education and Recreation Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach ~ UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS LAWRENCE DEPARTMENT OF INTERCOLLEGIATE ATHLETICS High School Basketball otars “ Johnny Dewell, Newton ee Boe — dack Mitchell, Ark’City | - Hayden Hubbard, Hutchinson a ars" ye Bee \ Wendell/ Pollock, Wichita sagt KZ /“ Max Smiley, Halstead 615" Bob Powell, Topeka btEe oe (wery good) fel /5.George Beverly, Topeka. os Dere Wali; Pareois “1 ie Kirk Scott, Newton ~~ Bob Carson, McPherson - go0e Thornton, Winfield - Bill Thornton, Winfield 2 ‘ Pfister, Powhattan z i fj} 2 ee a ha wad _L - Biit Lindquist, Ward - = Bev Durnil, H1lDorado ue. DOm Uepner, Dodge City -- - & Coulter, Pittsburg — to sce sone —- Het Hausman, Menlo t : 7 Ai 7 - gah PAX eran, tt fo abc PPR Scan st Pott \ Y i rs e eet i Cet Aa Aus ake SA. et ‘ 4 “Wh fg Sa — é = = ae A 6 \ \iZ Ae et ee en ise — am ee tt Ff MA A 7? i} Ef ees #3 ast eage Ywoek Ze & 2 a, A foro. ress abe ¥ F Risa ee Ps \- ff 5h e 2 “AoA aed Shits RS splot April 13, 1942. To Varsity and Freshman Basketball Men: I am enclosing a copy of a letter that I have recently sent to outstanding high school seniors, inviting them to come to the gymnasium on the morning of the Kansas Relays, April 18, te shoot a few goals and work out with the varsity players. Each of you will be considered a committee of one to greet these boys and help each one of them have a good time. iil i it st aca wi os aa eas ada abies I would appreciate it if you will keep Saturday morn-~ ing free for these high school boys. Flan to get here about 9:30 and be dressed in your varsity uniforms by the time the boys arrive. Some of our boys have said that this little courtesy had as much to do with their determination to enter the University of Kansas as any one thing. I want you to know how important it is to our visitors. This "mixer" is something that they will cherish for a long time. The whole purpose of the affair is for the boys to come and shoot some baskets, take a shower, and then get a ticket for the Kansas Relays in the afternoon. Please stop by my office early this week and let me know that I may count on each one of you. Sincerely yours, a 3 ° ao. _ &, pa . \ 1 eee fe eee A oy ee < ee Director of Physical Péucation and Recreation, FCA: AH Varsity Basketball} 4 Baseball Coach. naa iiceaterarrtretcrti t April 3, 1942. Dear Bill: It has been our custom ir the fast few years to invite outstanding seniors who are proficient in besketball to come to the University on the morning cf the Kansas Relays, April 18, about 10 o'clock, and work out with our varsity and freshmen basketball players in Robinson Gymnasium. It is not necessary that you bring any athletic equipment. We will check out equipment to you, and you will have a lot of fun shooting goals and playing informally from 10 to 11:30. | Our varsity basketball players will be dressed and will put on a few drills, but nothing elaborate. You merely check out equipment and go with the boys on the floor and have a lot of fun shooting baskets, then take a shower, and you are ready for an early start for the Relays. We will have a ticket ready for you for the Relays in the afternoon. Our purpose in having you here is to give you an opportunity to meet our varsity players. I trust that it will be possible for you to come. Please let me hear from you at your convenience. If there is anything that I can do in the way of giving you information or rendering you any service tha¥, you should need, it will be a pleasure to have you call on més “ith all good wishes, I am Very sincerely yours, } Director of Physical Education and Recreation FCA:AH Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach. Apedh 16, “2 Re Le domll, dre, Sedan ‘tek Pfister, rostattan temdell Pollock, fichita ‘ast isu sa ESR os r 4 sey RC WO RRC ecient EEN Se by Taper, Lyons : “422 haley, feet “igh, Ee Ce Jack Ballard Charies Biack Don Blair John Buescher George Dick Ray Bvans Bob Fitzpatrick Vance Hail T. P. Hunter Warren Isrgal Bob Johnson - Max Kissell Dick Miller | Ralph Miller Marvin Sellenberger Paul Turner Hubert Ulrich Charlies Walker Otto Schnellbacher Bill Brill "Sparky" MeSpadden Kenneth Thompson Armand Dixon Stanley Hansen Bill Forsyth Bill Short Bob Dole Bud Smith lawrence Stream Herbert Kauffman Bob Siddons Hoyt Baker Curtis Hinshaw Bill Paimer Bob Heaston Dick Channel Paul Carpenter Bob Corder Bill Bauer 2 “Sb Al SS a a es he a a Bob Allen sseeseeessoves Denzil Williamseeeeccoce Jimnie Huff secescesvcees Robert Jelineksesesseses Clifton Henderson-ecesce Helen Sebi cicndcsses Earl Langley cicscceesees Max Witcherecceserssesce Ned Ashleyececscsecesscces Re Re 3S, Ottawdeccccre. sccvccsecs Kemper Military Academy 714 Ne Lincoln, Beloitecccesceee Colorado Ue or Oklahoma A&M 1 South C.Ste, Heringtoneseccesess Uncertain. ««eKansas State 617 North Chestnut, Beloiteccsse Not sureeceeKe Use 920 N, Walnut, Beloitesscceccses ToseeceKansas State Teachers at Hays BucklinssscocescccccecsocecccessYOSeeLawrence or Manhattan Route 2, Merideneecceceescesesecn Uniontown, Ken sasecccecesescecs Re R, 2p LOGANeccccevssccessese Jay MoClure@ecccscescces: Argonia, Kamsasese. sscesccecess Wayne Dewey Ccccccoccese Francis Parkersseccosece | Johnny Womaches-cecesees Ed Williamsecsecceccseces La Verne Adrianeesssoecs ha Wa his icsnc Gene Duddieececcesseccce Howard Knightessessssess Carl Co Dittemoreceecves Elvin BrOWNeeccscocsvece Seward, Kansaseeccececcscsccecs 314 Ne ChestnutgeIola....c-cces Tolaccecccccvesvoveessureserees 601 Ne First, Iolaseccececccese Buhlerecesscosveccecsesesececce 417 EB, Comm., LyonBesceecccovce 403 S. Arch Step Bllissssscoce 432 East 12th St., Hortonessece Ref, Atchinsonsescccescccccccse Rural, Leotlecceccerceseesseces Lewis Dei cnc ncacceensi ns Box 67, Helyvotds sischescesnss Fred V. Hayne scccececece 620 Hudson, Marionececocececse Jonathan Ehrlicheeceesces MAPLONeecerosccscccccsesencess Milton ich ik ccivcaness 549 W, Jefferson, Marioneccees Doris Witherspoonecseceee Box Now 295 , Barlingtoneccece Bobby Schmidtecccoccseces Shady Bend, Kansaseeccoveceoes Daryl Porcivalescescecces Bevedy WE ssccccdcoccccccovece Dayle Mc Cormickesreseers Beverlyececceccceseccceccccoce Yes Fort Seott or Iola Hays Southwestern Fort Hays Teachers College Pittsburg State Iola dei. College or Kansas State Kansas State College Yesee. Haven't decided Yeseee not decided Yesoce? Yes »+sUndecided University of Kansas Bethel ~ YeseceNot determined YosssDen"t know as yet Yes Yes...Haven't decided yet Emporia Teachers | Bethany Bethany, Wesley, Emporia Bethany at Lindsburg Harold Crimmins ecccooscoehinover, KansaSecevecscesceoves if possible.seSte Benedict's Glenn MArisecesceeccvces ‘ga i Madde Be cs: Bsau Zeiglerseces:cssees John L. Bulkley Iree.e.e Clarence Grovereesessees Roy Norwoodecce-cevccece Bill Rayecosscsocceercos Herman Reed Jreecesvcses Arthur Atwilleeccoccscoses Jack Loganecescceecccece Vandy Dhlahcscssasecess Kenneth Dickersonesssees Merrill Holmbergessseees - Clare K. Towbabccssosces Glenn Bergstere-sescoeece Tom Warrenereccscosecsovee Truman Stockereseccsescee George Mustardecceececes Charles Scottescecccccse Donald Andersonsesceeses Robert! Weinheimereececcose Carl Dalkeccccvccececese i obi ichnkhcbakadewes: Cunninghame e+Boe lOZececccccce Bluff City, Kansase.cscs-ccees Reading, MandeN iis chcveceseds: Pisa NAaiis cas bb ddeen cess obsess Lecompton, Re Re Pevcsuvicsne 603 Osage, AUguSThecescceeccee 516 Oak Ste, Augustaececcccece Lebanon, Ranenb sansaieieseiess 506 Ne Walnut, Pittsburge.-ece Maia vieseacbecncovacdodas Haven, KansasSeccocescecessecse Randolphecesescescsvsececs+cos Randolph. ecsccscccccsssescssseee Randolphesecceccsceseceecscoce Garnet trcrscerecsscvsccccscene Bs-By 8, MeO