UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS LAWRENCE DIVISION OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND INTERCOLLEGIATE ATHLETICS October; Twenty-Third; 19 eee ree greet ee an we, Dr? .C.AlLien, Director of Physical Education; "Varsity Basket Ball Coach; University of Kansas, Dear "Phog": Please know that I appreciate your sending these letters to me for my review, I thorbughly agree with the senti- ments expressed in every one of them. One of the finest compiiments that can be said about any coach is what each one of these men said about you----- and to you. I hope that it wan't be too many years until we can put of a Coaching Sehool here at £0, that will top the all¢time interst in schools of that character. More power to you,"Phog". a A a E,C.Quigley, rector of Athletics.