Maroh 20, 1942 Dre Ee Ce Baum Thank you for your lotter of the 17th instant regarding | I am wondering if Everett or his folks have any money whatso= — - ever to pay his tuition. The State of Kansas exempts no one from paying tuitions eS , There is a matriculation fee of $10.00 that every resident of Kansas must pay to the University when they enroll; then there is an incidental fee of $25.00 for each senester, or $50.00 a year for two senosterse There also is a health fee, which is $10.00 for the two semesters, and an activity feo of $12.50, That makes about $82.50 that every person in the University must pay for the years | Board and roan, of course, are additional, but it is possible : for @ boy to get work to pay for his board and room if he is an especially good workers | | . a ; _ I am quite sure that you recognize the fact that because a boy is an athlete he or his parents would not expect someone to pay his tuitione Afterall, the boy is getting the benefit of his education. It. is an investment, and I am sure that no boy would expeot to trade his athletic ability for tuition moneye ‘The University does not recognize — athletic scholarships and gives none to anybodye , ‘Iwill appreciate it if you will write me more fully regarding Everett Bybee beceuse we would be very glad to cooperate in helping him attain an educations | : Thanking you and hoping to hear from you, I am, Very cordially yours, Director of Physical Bducation and Reereation Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach PAslg PeSe We are inviting Everett to cone up on Apraa 19, the morning of the .