DR. E. C. BAUM GENERAL PRACTICE UNIONTOWN, KANSAS March 17, 1941 Dr. F. C. Allem Lawerence, Kansss Deer Doctor Allen: I am forwarding information relative to a basket-ball plaver--Everett Bybee. This boy graduates from Uniontown High School this year. He has averaged between 18 and 20 points per geme for the season, he is 6ft. 4 inehes in height and is an excellemt player. He hes a clean character. I beleive that he would be a great asset to your squad. I don't know his plans, but his parents would be unable to finance bbe expence of going to a University. , I hope that vou are able to use the above information to his advantage as well as having a good basket-ball team for K. U. Fraternally Yours, Ec. Baum. Dr. BE. C. Baum BCB : PVV