Mr. BE. eC. Quigley, Athletic Director, University of Kansas. Dear Ernie: The basketball court in Hoch Auditorium is in deplorable condition. The ASTP having uset it for physical conditioning classes and the adminis- tration permitting a dance in there has rendered it totally wfit for _ varsity play. Our first game is December 8th. It will be nesessary to take that surface off and refinish it, for which the University should pay. Doubtless Mr. Raymond Nichols will have Mr. C. G Bayles do it, but it will take some emphatic pressure to get the job done so that we oan play. I recall one winter when we opened up our basketball season. The Chancellor had given permission to have a dance there in May for the state bankers. ‘The condition of the floor was promptly forgotten, and since they do not permit us to practice over there but two days a week we did not go over” on account of some conflicts which prohibited us from using those two days. We went over for the game end the team slipped and feli all over the floor. As I recall, it was the Oklahom game, and it was miserable. The Oklahoma people rather whispered that we had ee oe the floor ae te ee vantage of them. I only make this explanation to show you that a basketball floor not in playing condition is worse than any other playing field. I am sure that you will quite agree with me. May ws have your cooperation in getting this job done pronto? I wonder if I might mention the clock again. sia “gut ated taal he will come up during basketball with an unsynchronized pair of clocks. That always causes a peok of confusion and disaatisfaction to the visiting team's coach who wonders if the clock which we call official is ruming according to clock schedule. I believe you can also view this difficulty, having been en official for so many, many years, and getting the sidelight opinion of a dissatisfied coach who might be beaten. But rt - aot eS this year, be- cause that may not happen! Director of Physical Education, PCA: AH Varsity Basketball Coach.