April 2, 1941 Tee Comrad Me Barnes Seneca, Kansas Deer Drs Harness Mire Earl Falkenstien has referred your letter concerning Alton Wylie to me for attentions I appreciate your interest in writing him concerning Altone i want you to know that I have written Alton inviting hin up here as our guest for the Kansas Relayse I have been fullowing the custom of inviting the outstanding high school seniors in baskete bell in for the morning of the Kansas lelays. ‘They come up and shoot goals with our Varsity and Freshmen Basketball players, and — incidentally become acquainted with theme I have not received a reply fran Alton, but I have from a great many seniors, and I hope that Alton will come. I am wondering if you would be kind enough to accidentally meet him and suggest that you mow of my writing him and that we would be happy to have him with us for the morning of the Relayse John Slocum is a greet booster for the University and he had the Catholie school over here for the Oklahom Aggie-Zausas game, but could not make arrangements to have the high schcol boys hereée I remember Alton Wylie very well from last spring's meeting, and I sincerely trust that it will be possible for him to be here on April 196 I appreciate your genuine interest in Alton and the University of Kansase — Sincerely yours, Director of Physical gducation and Recreation Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach