ALi \ Sah y (\ Way 9, 1941 Vaile Mre Es We Geiger feiger & Rutherford Leevenworth, Kensas Dear Mrs Ceiger: _ I ecknowledge with thanks receipt of your splendid letter of May 5, written to ire Je Me Nebergall, your foreman. It wes certainly nice of you to take your tine off Sunday efternoon and say “hellos® — In regard to Jimmy, when you followed it up with this letter to the heed man of the Hebergall family, then I would sey you are cooperating 100%. I em very sure if Jimmy comes to Ke. U. that you will heve much to do with his coming by working on his dad. Of course, we will not go to sleep on this boy until he definitely mekes up his wind what institution he desires to attend. I do feel that he wonld be making a misteke if he did not attend the University of Keanses for it has so nuch to offer him in an ecedemic weye His ability to make friends and eequeintenses which will help him in a business and professional wey is unlimited here at the University of Kenease Again thanking you for your extreme kindness end assuring you it was a great pleasure to visit with you and siso to heve met Mree Geiger, I em, with appreciation, Sincerely yours, FCA:re:min Director of Physical Fducation and Pecreation Varsity Basketball end Baseball Coach