Long before this, you kmow that I just sat i down to the typewriter and pecked out my thoughts a to you but the more I thought about your boy, the more I wanted to tell you 7 er in the matter. I do hope that I may have privel of seeing him play at Lawrence wearing the KU OPSe Surely was gled to hear that the high water in Wabaunsee County did no more damage to 1361 bridge than it did. Watch that Arkansas River out there for 1t comes up in a hurry sometimes. As soon as this round of lett: is over, I'll : be out your way as I want to get in Dodge Clty toos 4 Hope do not think that I am presuming in | i off over a matter that I should keep out 3 of but about all we have left is our boys and from Se the looks of things, we wont have them any too long. ; PT hibit RAR Re ayo See rs RL oer Sincerely, Ee We Geiger : eS TA a cad tginctabeh clef ny Pan 5 % Zz ae = < # s si = Pd z em 3 ‘ EA 2 2 = 5 es i : 4 Bg fe ee ae a ea - : 2 ‘ ei i er a i Pee sag at Ss gb a Pete ie ieee ct a seit ek SON RS hy CRE OR SS ie ie he = OS SPE eee BE ERE