Guy Mitchell, Hutchinson Mey 10th, 1941 Mr. Kenneth Vaughn Herrington, Kansas Deer Kenneth: We were so happy to have had you with us at our Third Annuel Basketball “get-to-gether® at Robinson Gymnasium on the morning of our Kensas Relayse The boys on the Varsity and Preshman teams have often spoken ebout the great time they had when you were here. I am sure that every young man who has an opportunity to go to college will be thinking serious- ly of doing so, and since you ere too young for the draft you must be making plens to attend some colleges We would be happy to have you with us here at the University next folle Let me lmow if there's any information you desire and I shall be happy to complye Trusting to heer from you, I am, Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreetion = Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach. ; FPCAseh