401 South Main El Dorado, Kans. uly ii, Lal Dr. F.C. Allen Robinson Gym University of Kansas ‘Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: Somewhat belatedly I wish to thank you for my job in the Intramural Office the past year. I certainly appreciated it and tried to give value received, At present I am employed in a local bank and if it doesn't prove permanent, I may. have a chance to go with Skelly in the Accounting department. 5 No matter where i go or what my oc- cupation may be the University and the fine men associated with you in Robin- son Gym will always be upermost in my thoughts. I will be a staunch booster of K. U. and hope that you will feel free to call upon me. I assure you I will be an “alum” you can count upon. I am working on all the likely pro- spects around here this summer. It looks very much as if Warren Reigel (football) will enroll in the fall. That should make . Vie Hurt very happy, Because he is a fine boy as well as a top-notch athlete. Also Harold McSpadden should be up there next year providing "Frosty" Cox doesn't make too:lucretive an offer. In conelusion, thank you ag&in, not only for the job, but also for the pri- velege and benefits I have gained ae associating with you. Very Sincerely Yours, Plath € Berg