December 11, 1944. Mr. E. o Quigley, Direstor of Athletics, University of Kansas. Dear Ernie: I just want to call your attention to the difficulties that we still have on the use of Hoch Auditorium floor. We never shot a goal on the floor until we played — Washburn last Friday night, and with the Christmas Vespers on now the only possible time we will have to use it will be the 18th, just before we play Rockhurst on the 19th. That makes a total of one day in our preparation for play- ing two games. Now isn't that something? I will be interested to see how many days we actually ‘get to - tice there during the year 1945 in preparation for our varsity games. Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Bducation, FCA :AH : Varsity Basketball Coach.