Otto Rost Page Two I have been working in the morning, coaching the baseball team in the afternoons, and then leaving for highschool commencement addresses and driving home in the wee hours of the morning. I am going to be honest with you, Otto. I have not seen Kenneth Wulfemeyer's letter. It perhaps came in the mail when I was out of town and it has been misplaced in my massive correspondence, but I'm asking Miss Christian- Son, my secretary, to find the letter and I will write him immediately. I will also send a carbon copy to you for your perusal. The fact that Kenny definitely wants to go to Sansas makes me want him all the more. _If you will call him and tell him that he will hear from me the next day or so, and that my failure to write was not due to negligence after receiving: his letter but it had not come to my attention. — : Of course he will get a terrible idea of the looks. of my desk, and I may say his idea would be absolutely correct. It looks as‘ though my desk had been put together by a boiler explosion but I will make amends and answer prompto. Congratulations on your fine job as supervisor in the Central Office, If L get through St. +ouis, 1'11 certainly look you up. My _ kindest regards to your lovely wife and your youngster. Mrs. Allen and all the family are well. Bob is going to the University of Pennsylvania next fall to study medicine. “e made’ Phi Beta Kappa this year, "Mit" is back in the law school and president of the Junior Class. He's making an especially fine academic record. Eleanor, our youngest, is a sophomore, and “rs, Allen is very well. I kmow that she will be delighted that you inquired about her, and I will tell the Allen family at the luncheon table the news of the Rosts. Again thanking you and wishing you the very best, lm, Sincerely yours, 2 Director of Physical Education and Recreation-Varsity Basketball and FCA: re Baseball Coach.