EDITORIAL ROOMS ° C= 2 a fae j COUNTRY GENTLEMAN ee AMERICA’S FOREMOST RURAL MAGAZINE i) rt \ pe “ron oe THE CURTIS PUBLISHING COMPANY INDEPENDENCE SQUARE + PHILADELPHIA Tuesday, March 4 Dear Phog: You will probably recall that, when you were here, I spoke to you about a couple of good boys at Yates Center. The enclosed clipping from the Yates Center News tells how the team finished in the Tri-Valley basketball circuit. But the remarkable thing about the record isn't told. The team lost two out of the first four games, then proceeded to play the best basketball in the league. It has two very promising boys--a 6 feet, 2 center and this fast lad, Tolle at forward. Tolle was quarterback on the High School football team last Fall and ran two kickoffs back for touchdowns. He looks like the kind of youngster you could take and make into a star. Bert Coleman, the blocky youngster on the K.U. freshman football squad, could very well act as liaison man for you. Both Bob Reed and I were delighted to see how your team came through. Frankly, when I saw the size of the boys, I figured you were due for a bad season. You must have applied some Of the old magic with them. From the tone of McBride's column the Big Six must be getting to be a tough circuit to live in. Mac is a good chastening influence. I'd be glad to know your judgment on these Yates Center boys. Reed joins me in the best of regards and wishes Sincerely yours eH, 3 P.S.: I forgot to say that in more than half of their victories these Yates Center lads came from behind, usually in the last quarter. I don't know of anything better that characterizes a good competitor.