Fredonia was broken for the Blue Streaks when the Fredonians dropped an all-important contest to Garnett last Friday evening. — ; Yates Center remains in undisput-| ed third place following the Wild- eats 38 to 35 triumph over the Hum-! poldt Cubs here Friday night. The} Yates Center squad has one game yet; to play—Burlington there this Fri-! day. A victory in this game would bring about a final tie, for second; place with Fredonia. Neodesha, Fredonia and Garnett, teams have completed their season’s | schedule. Y. C. 38—Humboldt 35 Yates Center courtmen continued their winning streak last Friday night | by taking the Humboldt basketeers down the line 38 to 35 in a game ‘which had the crowd guessing until the last minute. Humboldt started out in the lead and at the end, of the first quarter the Allen countians had built up a 11 to 7 lead. The half time bell found the Cubs still holding a 19 to) 11 advantage. s In the third period the Wildcats really started to work and during the. quarter tallied a total of 16) points to make the score board read Humboldt 27, Y..C. 27, as the period ended. ;, ee, Tolle Fires, Hits, Scores Yates Center went into the lead early in the fourth: quarter and sus- |} tained the advanage until the final] bell: oo EM Glenn Tolle was high point man} for Yates Center with a total of 18] points, During the last: half he chalked up eight: field goals in a) fashion which was really outstand- | ing. The alert Yates ‘Center forward } broke fast at all times and made; somegfreak set-up shots that even Howard Engleman, the K. U. hot- shot, would have been proud to claim. Dick Buck was second high with a total of six points and Kenny Stockebrand came next with five points. . , 4 | |