June 21,1941 Kansas City, Missouri Dear Dec, In my playground work this summer, I have met two boys who want very much to attend the University of Kansas next year. Both of these boys are very good basketball players, and are graduates of Manuel High School, They made better than average grades while in high school, Neither of the boys are very well off and it would be necessary for them to have some kind of employment while attending the University. I am sure they would appreciate very much anything you could do for them. They are:-= Tony Grambrone Height--6'1" 912 East Sth St. Weight--175 lbs, K. ©. Mo. Member of all city basketball team two years--also a track man and an outstanding scholar. Don Rendina Height --6'!3" 925 Troost Ave. Weight--165 lbs. K. G. Mo. | Made all city team one year, has parti- Ccipated in track. These boys consider you the finest basketball coach in the country and whether you can do anything for them or not, they would appreciate a letter from you. Sincerely yours, offend s Karnes School Kansas City, Mo.