imarch 21, 1941 Ute Me Ve Beason Superintendent Mulvane Public Schools hear Supte Beasongs Thank you very much for your fine letter concerning Keith Olivers Keith certainly is an alleroud athlete and a versatile studente I do not believe that any boy in Kansas could have had a finer recommendation than the one you have written for Keith, | ; Keith's team has made a wonderful showing against Opponents of exceptional abilitye You stress Keith's bell handling, whick in my opinion is one of the most important things for basketball playerse The fact that he is a brilliant student pleases me as much or more than any other one things . I am writing Keith and inviting him up for the morning | of the Kansas Releys, April 19, where these high school seniors shoot goals with the Varsity players and have a good times There is no attempt on our part to high pressure any of these boys, but we check out equiment — in the gyumasium end the boys go up for an hour and onee@half and have a lot of fun shooting goals and getting acquaintede I trust it will be possible for him to come and I do thank you very much for writing mee We are always especielly interested in boys with a high TeQe ratings It is like putting money in & sowd banks If a coach - spends his time on a good student he can be reasonably certain that the bey will continue in college and the time thet he has spent in training the boy certainly is never lost like it is when a boy flunks out of schoole “e are interested in exceptional students and good athletes. We are very enthusiastic about helping a boy help himself. If Keith needs work to help defray his expenses through college we are always very happy to give him such work in the towel room of the Physical Education Department, or some like job, in which he can earn 85¢ an hour and work about two hours a days This will net the boy enough se money to pay his board and if he is an exceptional student it is. possible for him to get additional work without endangering his academic records Again thanking you, I am, Sincerely Yours, ; | Director of Physical pducation and Recreation FOAslg | s,s Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach