GRANT CLUB RENEWAL CLUB BUSINESS MEN'S ASSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI Wm. L. BUTLER August 21, 1941 Dre Forrest Allen Gymnasium University of Kansas lawrence, Kansas Dear Phog: Donald Emery of Kansas City, Kansas, the center of last year at Wyandotte High of Kansas City, Kansas, is interested in coming to K. U. next year. The boy is six feet four inches, weighs 185 pounds and is just 18. He has graduated from Wyandotte, and from information avail- able is an excellent student. I have requested him and his father to drive up to Lawrence next Saturday morning and bring the trans- cript of his grades with him. Will you be there and will it be convenient? I wish that you would write direct to his father, Me Re Emery, 2511 N. 36th, Kansas City, Kansas, regarding the Saturdey moming appointment. Cordially yours illiam L. Butler WLB:ED copy to Mr. Emery