August 29, 1941. Mr. Robert H. lynn, Kerlyn 0i1 Company, Dear Bob: Thank you for sending me the carbon copy of your letter to Vic Hurt concerning Kemneth Tipps. Will you please tell Kenneth to see me after he has | had a talk with Vic? I will make it a point to take this young man under my wing and not only give him the very best advice but I will sincerely try to guide him in the better way. You have asked Vice to give him a job, have you not, Bob? Be sure to do that because it will help me a lot if you can. Of course if Vic did not give — him a job I would definitely help him, but Vic has the disposal of all the jobs and since you have helped him I am very sure that he will reciprocate your kindness. Thanking you for giving us the necessary in- formation, and with kindest personel regards, I am Director of Physical Education and Recreation, FCA: AH Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach.