bear Pauls SMe © Sethe Fete: Seek dtagn ieee of tyeney eneee, whose father worke for the Phillips Petrolewm Company. He has written me that he has taken the scholarship test offered by the Phillips Petroleum Company for ese of your Company *s enployecse \ I have pad a letter fron Mex White, an alumnus of the thiversity who sells insurance for the New York Life, and whose office is located in | ‘the Sledd Building, ete Kansas, highly recommending Donaldean as & wonderful basketball playere : I imagine that if ome of the children pass this acholarsiiip test they can pick out any University that they desire to attend, can they not? And are they limited in a certain course of study? Are they free to go to eny school? I would appreciate an answer to these quar one so that I might know more about the acho tapehty you offers | Uhen I spoke at Chase, Hansas a few weeks ago I stopped by the Lyons 4 High School and personally congratulated Donaldean mison and the other boys wen their synnee record this yours ) I trust everything is going well with you and your splendid family. I saw your Tad on the street the other day and we had quite a visit concerning Paul Endacott and his Phillips' connections He also told me thet you and ‘President Adams and the rest of the officials flow out to Nenver to witness the voys shooting at the gorls but showing poor markesanship on that. night for sone umiccountable reasone Well, Paul, I have had the same experience with my Kensas Jayhawlers and I Imow how nonplussed you people pe at the same time your team hes bad a great record and their failure only bears proof of the fact thet you cannot win then oll. With every good wish to you and your's, I am, Sineerely yours, Director of Physical niventinn and Recreation Varsity Bagketball and Baseball coach .