June 10th, 1941 Dr. Paul B. Hoffmann Holyrood, Kansas Dear Dr. Hoffman: As in your favor of the 6th instant, I wish to state that I have just talked with Mr. Henry Werner, the advisor of men, University of Kansas. He tells: me the Student Housing Association is a non-profit sharing student organization and has no direct connection with the University, so far as the University supervision goes. The organization hes two houses, one of which is not approved by the University on account of having no fire- escape. The men in these houses do one hours work a day and their board and room ‘costs about twenty dollars per month. “his organization is, student managed but they have faculty members on their governing board. Dean Werner, Paul B. Lawson, of the College, and Fred Montgomery of the Visual Instruction Staff serve on the board as advisors. I do not know how to advise you. It is my opinion, however, that perhaps you might be as well off by picking your own room-mate and working for thirty five cents per hour when work is available. Won't you write me more regarding your problem and your son's problem and I will be very happy to advise you further. With all good wishes to you and your son, and trusting that we will see your son on Mt. Oread this fall, I am, Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation- Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach. FCA:RC