April 1, 1941 Dr. Forrest C. Allen University of Kansas Dear Dr. Allens - In reply to your invitation to attend the basketball work-out preceeding the K. U. Relays, I am glad to say 1 will be able to De there. Thanks a lot for a chance to try out with the rest of the fellows. Sincerely yours, lhc Yue lean’ 5328 Rude Reet ret tw 5 few, “april 14, 1942 Mre Feith Oliver Mulvane, Fangas Dear Keith: Zt will be a pleasure to see you on the morning of April 19, and I will be very mypy to discuss with you some of the problens that you feel will confront you before entering the University of Kansas, Please feel perfectly frant: te speak with me when you come ine Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach FeAsle April 11, 1941 Dre Forrest Ce Allen Department of Physical Education Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: I accept with pleasure your invitation of March 27, 1941 to work out in the Hobinson Gymnasium and attend the kansas Helays. Yours truly, Vsonius 8 April 15, 1941 Dear Dr. Alien Just & line to thagk you for the inva- tation to the Relays. I know I will enjoy them very much. It will give me much pleasure to work out with the varsity basketball players. Am looking forward to seeing you. Sincerely yours, ELM torgk 204 West Peoria Paola, Kansas Aprii 15, 1942 Forrest C. Allen Director of Physical Education University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Mr. Allen: I was very glad to receive your letter of March 21, and I am very grateful in accepting your invitation to work out with your Varsity and Freshmen basketball piayers in Robinson Gymnasium on April 19 at 10:00 o'clock. I am looking forward to Saturday very much, because I have always admired the Kansas Basketball Team, and consider it a great honor to be among those chosen to meet the players and work out with then. Thanking you again for this invitation, I shall see you Saturday. Very truly yours, Kansas City, Kans. April 14, 1941 Dr, FF. G. Aides Director of Physical Education Lawrence, Kansas Dear Mr. Allen: Bob Terry and I will be glad to be your guest on Saturday morning April 19. We have been looking forward to practicing on the Ky Us Ticor. Very truly yours, a Apu 15, (G¢/ Mra Ma Ullaw ; imrtalion or ti ae A ta —— oe ons Gprt (7. ee wailing net L 4 trww Fate pure whither araincl By, vctock. AtMrores wd, [torace: Nery gus 704 Wet 6b I April 11, 1941 Dr. Forrest C. Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Sir, I recieved your letter which contained an invitation to come meet the varsity and to attend the Kansas Relays for which I want to express my sincere thanks. I am planning to attend and will try to be present at 10:00 April 19. Sincerely yours, Liban Nok Jo ee Tr Ue, ye. (Lew : co wage a halt te fla 4 acenft Lacs 7 te ZS ; _— 2 elias able a A red-haired boy (Red ‘Thompson, 7 think) ze.ve me this information. He spoke to you about this high school boy and you said you would drop him a line. lg ee ero “Interested in zoing to college floor work excellent BIg: in height | very rangy; arms about reach knees excellent passer oo goed on Ee aetonsl ye. work headework Peron Jutta High School Prospects “Guy Mitchell, Hutchinson Roy Mitchell, Hutchinson x» Hoyt Baker, Peabody “ Bill MeCloud, Newton Y Jimmy Nebergall, Newton _/ Mike Vargon, Wgandotte “Kenny Thompson, Wyandotte “Harold McSpadden, E1Dorado /Curtis Hinshaw, Lawrence ‘Junior Bennett, Ottawa Hutchinson UV Earl “Pug" Harrison, / / Kenny Johnson, Topeka “Bill Palmer, Topeka Yates Chater Kigh Bedael (Graduated last year) sistas as aN acs se (Graduated end first semester) ? $? tt ba J ) Kenneth Love, Hutchinson Junior College / Don Maison, Lyons K Paul Walker - 1253 Woodrow, V Alton Wylie - Seneca a ais Regs ~ Lorraine, Kso Wichi a oe (referred by ta. Red Thompson) PYererrtca | Dy LESS ww Horace Hu, Be3. Os — 2 mc *~ t hYy G & de f %& James Roderick = Wetmore (referred by Ma «x Gtho Sehuutibachenr — VaneRy : Gwe ' ‘Copa Jag bo, ti a Mandeville) , saan avocado ee arene ee Ri otioia seo eoneeE % | [ores i a ee vt hao ee ee Gath tan) yr _ erb— _ Rasen lure | Hu) es | _ Kenneth a ss Had Burger Ray vans oS Forest Lee Hill » ss Warren Hodges — Marshall Hulett Bob Innis Harden i G, Bozeman Walter Davis ao Paul Glick ss Mid Lferd Harwood ae Alvin Hecht _“Niek Redeye oo Frank Vratil Calvert Winter, Jr.. 1407 Kentucky 514 West 14th 1145 Indiana 1011 Indiana 1040 Mississippl 624 Louisiana St, 917 Maine 1000 Vermont 1138 Mississippi 705 E, 19th 716 MeCook 1245 West Campus ‘Haskell Institute Battenfeld Hall 1733 Mass, April 10, 1941. : Ne» Herbert Borgmay Athol, KansaSe Dear hicheees | : It has been our custom in the past few years to invite outstanding seniors who are proficient in baske etball to come to the University on the morning of our relays, April 19th about 10 ofciock and work out with our varsity and freshman basketball pelyers in Robinson | iume It is not necessery that you. aul oad any an ments We will check out equipment to eeeaen have a lot of fun shooting goals and ast ot tnfornatly from 10 until 11:30. Our varsity basketbal will be dressed and will put on a few drills ae Nerina Claborate, You merely check out equipment and co with the boys on the floor and have ea lot of fun shooting baskets. Then take a shower and you are ready for an early start to attend the outstanding Kansas Xelays, We will have a ticket ready for you for the Relays in the afternoon, Our purpose in having you here is to give you an opner rant ty to meet our versity and freshman pleyors. I trust that it will be possible for you to come. Please let me hear from you at your conveniences ; , If there is anything I can do for you in the way of giving information or rendering you any servics, - ~ 4t will oy a pleasure to have you call on me. With all cood wishes, Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach April 2, 1941 Your letter of lmrch 31 has been receivede I an happy to know that you will be present the morning of April 19 to work out with our Varsity and freshmen Basketball Playerse When we say we will check out equipment to you, that includes everying, shoes alsoOe However, if for any reason you feel your shoes will fit you better or if you would rather weer your it will be perfectly all right for you to bring aha atone We will be looking forward to seeing you here the morning of April 19. With all good wishes, I am, Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach April 14, 1941 Mre Bill Erickson Leavenworth High School Leavenworth, Kansas Dear Bille _I em glad that you will be able to come down to the Relays and work out with our Varsitye No, it will not be necessary for you to bring a letter as means of identifying youg You come to Rebinson Gymmasiua and report to the Varsity Basketball Dressing Room, and they will be gled to cheek out a suit to yous It will be a pleasure to see yous Sincerely yours, | Director of Physical Sducation and Reereation Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach ee FCAslg leavenworth, Kansas April: 7,.i941 Dr. F.C. Allen University of Kansas Department of Physical Education Dear Dr. Allen; In regard to your letter of March 21, inviting me to attend a practice session of basketball and the Relays on April 19, I wish to thank you very much for the invitation and I will be very happy to attend. Thank you again. Sincerely yours, P.S. Should I bring the letter you sent me as a means of identifying me? Merch 11, 1942 Mre Junius Penny 547 Michigan Avee lewrerce, Kansas Dear Junius, : Congratulations om your being selected on the _ Northeast Kansas League AlleStar Honor Team. The fact that you were selected on this Team shows you were an outstanding pleyer and I wish to congratulate you very uthe With best wishes for your continued success, i Om, : Yours sincerely, Director of Yhysical Edueation and Recreation Varsity Basketball Coach PCAsle